Page 246 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 246
Autor: Nikola Ilić, uĉenik trećeg razred ETŠ “Nikola Tesla”, Beograd
Mentor: Mateja Opaĉić, asistent pripravniku univerzitetu “Metropolitan”, Beograd
Sistem koji trenutno razvijam ima za cilj da konkretno unapredi, olaksa, i osavremeni obrazovni
sistem. Moţe se implementirati na više mesta, na zaposlene, ali je prvensveno osmisljen za škole,
fakultete. Klijent aplikacija je predviĊena za sve uĉenike. Ona neprekidno radi u pozadini,
detektujući WiFi signal škole koja je implementirala taj sistem, i ukoliko se korisnik nalazi u
radijusu školskog interneta, glavni deo aplikacije se izvršava. Pre svega, korisnik se upisuje u
bazu, a nakon toga mu aplikacija vrši odreĊene promene na telefonu: utišava ton, blokira internet
tokom ĉasova itd.
Svrha ovog projekta jeste da olakša evidentiranje uĉenika/studenata/zaposlenih, u isto vreme
konfigurisajući njihov telefon za potrebe ustanove. Aplikacija je napisana za Android uredjaje, u
Javi, uz koriscenje GSON i Volley biblioteka, dok je serverski deo napisan u PHP-u i koristi
MySQL bazu.
Kljuĉne reĉi:wifi, android, skola, registracija, konfigurisanje
System I am currently developing has a purpose to concretelypromote, facilitate and modernize
the education system. It can be implemented on many ways, on employees, but it’s firstly created
for schools and colleges. Client application is provided for all students. It continuously works in
backgroud, detecting WiFi signal of the school which implemented the system, and if user is
inside the radius of school’s internet, main part of application is starting to execute. First of all,
user is registering in database, and after that application is making some changes on its phone:
sets tone to quiet, blocks internet when its lessons etc.
Main purpose of this project is to make registering of students/pupils/employees easier, and in
same time configuring their phones for needs of institure. Application is written for Android
devices, in Java, using GSON and Volley libraries, while server-side is written in PHP and it is
using MySQL database.
Key words: wifi, android, school, registration, configuration