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Study of Human Action Potential
                               Kristina Pantelić, Third Belgrade Grammar School, III grade
                                           Radnička Street 40, 11090, Belgrade

            Introduction                                        itself,  that  is  its'  changes,  are  examined
                                                                through the change in charge on a capacitor.
                   The goal of the research is modelling        By  changing  the  capacitor's  charge  capacity,
            of action potential, using which the influence      the  thickness  of  myelin  sheath  is  also
            of various parameters on neuron's functioning       changed.  R 1  has  a  variable  resistance,  it
            can    be   studied.   Each    living   cell's      stabilizes  the  circuit  and  it  is  a  resistance
            characteristic  is  the  existence  of  membrane    which  speaks  of  other  ions  which  could
            potential. The value of the resting membrane        appear.  R 5  and  R 6  resistances  are  other
            potential is -60mV, and the inside of the cell      channels.
            has a more negative charge than its' outside.
            When  some  chemical,  mechanical  or               Results
            electrical  stimulant  affects  the  membrane  of
            excitable  cell,  the  membrane  potential  is
            being changed. The change which leads to a
            change in  membrane potential  up to  +45mV
            is called action potential.

            Material and Methods                                Photo  2.  The  Transfer  of  Electrical  Signal
                                                                through the Membrane
                   Biological    equivalent   of   action
            potential  can  be  presented  using  electrical    Conclusion
            circuit  which  is  composed  of  simple
            components,  because  they  have  the  same                Na   has  the  biggest  influence  on  the
            characteristics  and  can  be  mathematically       transfer  of  action  potential,  biologically
            defined by using similar (in most cases, same)      presented  as  the  R 2  resistor.  The  created
            equations  and  relations.  A  program  package     model is a simple model. Therefore, realistic
            called PSpice was being used, within which it       data cannot be gotten, but with the use of an
            was  being  operated*  in  a  program  called       advanced model, far more parameters would
            OrCAD  Capture,  used  for  making  electrical      be considered.

                                                                    1.  Mahdavi S, Rezaei-Tavirani M, The
                                                                       Different Mechanisms of Action
                                                                       Potential Propagation in the Heart,
                                                                       Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical
                                                                       Research (2007) 6 (1): 51-56
                                                                    2.  Ramasamy L, Sperelakis N.
                                                                       Repolarization of the action potential
                                                                       enabled by Na  channel deactivation
             Photo  1.  Electrical  Circuit  Used  in  the             in PSpice simulation of cardiac
            Simulation  Alternating  sources  in  a  circuit           muscle propagation, BioMedical
            represent impulses                                         Engineering OnLine (2005)

                   Each  ion  channel  and  the  myelin
            sheath  are  wires  which  are  modeled  with
            resistor  (R).  The  resistor  R 2  represents  ion
            channel  for  Na   which  affects  the  formation
            of  action  potential  the  most.  The  membrane
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