Page 156 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 156
Autor: IVA MAKSIMOVIĆ, uĉenica 7. razreda, OOŠ ”Vladislav Ribnikar”
Mentor: IVAN NOVKOVIĆ, asistent Geografskog fakulteta, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Tašmajdan je moje veliko dvorište. Igrajudi se godinama na Tašmajdanu i posmatrajudi znak upozorenja „Ne prilazi
ogradi“, rešila sam da zavirim iza ograde i da otkrijem jedan potpuno drugačiji svet – svet Tašmajdanskih laguma.
Radim ovaj rad, delom iz radoznalosti, a delom iz želje da upoznam širu javnost o geološkom, istorijskom i
turističkom značaju Tašmajdanskih pedina.
Metode rada i ankete koje sam sprovela pokazuju da vedina stanovništva grada zna za postojanje pedina, ali da to
nije dovoljno. Posmatrano sa geološkog i geomorfološkog stanovišta, Tašmajdan seže daleko u prošlost, još u doba
miocena i Panonskog mora. Istorijski aspekt je skoro isto toliko važan: od Rimskog doba, preko turskih osvajanja, do
novije istorije Beograda. Oba aspekta opisana su u rezultatima rada i diskusiji. Značajan je, takodje, i turistički apekt
ove lokacije, kao jedno od rešenja za bolju prezentaciju široj javnosti.
Posmatranjem svih navedenih aspekata i analizom dobijenih rezultata dolazimo do zaključka da se ovo
mesto može na mudar način iskoristiti i ostaviti bududim generacijama kao geološki park ili muzej pod vedrim
Ključne reči: pedina, lagum, miocen, panonsko more, krečnjak
Tašmajdan is my big playground. While I was playing there, I watched a warning sign near the playground
“FORBIDDEN TRESPASSING”. That made me look behind the sign and I discovered whole different world – world of
Tašmajdan underground passages and caves.
I am doing this essey, not only because of my curiosity, but because I want to present the Tašmajdan’s caves to the
public, its geological, historical and tourist attractions.
Methods and questionnaire which I have done, show that a lot of people know about the caves of Tašmajdan, but it
is not enough. According to geology and geomorphology, Tašmajdan goes deep into the past, it is from the miocen
period of the Earth and the Panon sea. The historical aspect is also very important from the Roman period, during
the Osman conquests until the new history of Belgrade. Both, geomorfological and historical aspects are described
in the results and discussion of this essey. The tourism aspect is also very important for this locality as one of the
solution for better presentation.
Exploring all those aspects and analyses during my work I have made a conclusion that Tašmajdan caves and
underground passages can and must be used on a proper and wise way and leave this extrodinary spot to future
generation as geologic park or museum under the sky.
Key words: cave, underground passage, miocen, Panon sea, llimestone