Page 185 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 185
Autori: NATAŠA OBRADOVID, učenica VII razreda OŠ Kosta Abraševid Resnik, ALEKSANDRA ALBIJANID, učenica VII razreda OŠ
"Kosta Abraševid" Resnik , Mentor: Mr. SLAVOLJUB DRAGIDEVID
Klizište u Resniku datira još od 1981. god. Preduzede "Kosovoprojekt" izradilo je 1988.god.
projekat sanacije klizišta, ali do sanacije nikada nije došlo jer nema novca. Klizište nije sanirano
do dana današnjeg, oštedenja objekata su se godinama uvedavala tako da je u međuvremenu jedan
objekat urušen. Prema poslednjem izveštaju preduzeda "Kosovoprojekt" još deset objekata je
predviđeno za rušenje, jer su izašli iz vertikale, skloni su padu i nemogude ih je dovesti u funkcionalno
stanje. Vedina porodica i dalje živi u svojim nakrivljenim i poluporušenim kudama, jer nemaju gde a niko
od nadležnih ne nudi im trajni smeštaj.
Resnik’s slippery ground has been there since 1981.
The Kosovoprojekt Company built slippery grounds rebuilding project in 1988, but there was no
enough money to realize this project. Slippery ground hasn’t been rebuilt up to these days, damage has
increase during the years and one of the object was demolished. According to the "Kosovoprojekt's"
latest reports ten more objects are about to be destroyed because they are out of their vertical position
and are permanently dysfunctional attending to fall down.
Most of the families still live in their half-crushed houses, because they haven't nowhere else to
go and nobody of the authorities don't offer them new permanent place to stay. Are human victims
necessary so someone would finally get solution of the problem and even more important – "who is
going to be responsible for these lives in danger"?