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P. 190



               Autor: SARA MILOŠEVIĆ Učenica osmog razreda Osnovne škole “Dušan Jerković”, Inđija

               Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II Mentori: MILICA PUĐA, student II godine Farmaceutskog fakulteta
               Univerziteta u Beogradu


                   Ţivot koji donosi savremeno doba znatno je uticao na različite navike ljudi, između ostalog na ishranu, a time i
               na prehrambenu industriju. Ukoliko se u namirnici razviju mikroorganizmi, hrana postaje opasna za upotrebu. Da bi
               se hrani produţio rok trajanja u nju se dodaju konzervansi. Sorbinska kiselina se najčešće koristi kao konzervans u
               različitim proizvodima kao što su osveţavajuća bezalkoholna pića, margarin, pekarski proizvodi i sirevi. Dosadašnja
               naučna  saznanja  pokazuju  da  sorbinska  kiselina  nije  opasna  po  ljudsko  zdravlje  i  da  nema  neţeljenih  dejstava
               ukoliko se upotrebljava u dozvoljenim granicama, koje propisuje Pravilnik o prehrambenim aditivima (Sl.glasnik RS
               63/13). Cilj ovog rada je bio da proverimo da li se poštuju propisane granice i da li je zaista neophodno dodati aditiv
               kako bi proizvod bio upotrebljiv duţi vremenski period. Prema Pravilniku u fine pekarske proizvode je dozvoljeno
               dodati do 2000 mg/kg sorbinske kiseline. Nabavljena su dva industrijska upakovana kroasana različitih proizvođača
               čiji  je  rok  upotrebe  tri  meseca  i  jedan  kroasan  iz  pekare.  U  industrijskim  kroasanima  je  deklarisano  prisustvo
               sorbinske kiseline. U pekarskom kroasanu nije dozvoljeno dodavanje konzervansa. U ovim uzorcima smo odredili
               sadrţaj sorbinske kiseline HPLC metodom (standardna metoda NMKL 124). U pekarskom kroasanu nije pronađena
               sorbinska kiselina. U industrijskom kroasanu 1 je izmereno 847,3 mg/kg, a u industrijskom kroasanu 2 611,0 mg/kg.
               Oba kroasana sadrţe sorbinsku kiselinu u količini ispod dozvoljene, što pokazuje da su proizvodi ispravni. Deca su
               najčešći potrošači ovih namirnica, te prema PDU (25 mg/kg) za prosečno dete (35 kg) je preporučljivo da dnevno
               pojede samo jedan industrijski kroasan. Svi kroasani su sačuvani i nakon 15 dana je vidljivo da su se na pekarskom
               kroasanu  razvili  mikroorganizmi,  a  industrijski  su  i  dalje  bezbedni  za  upotrebu.  Dokazano  je  da  je  upotreba
               konzervanasa  opravdana  kada  je  potrebno  produţiti  rok  upotrebe  proizvodu.  Ključne  reči:  sorbinska  kiselina,
               aditivi, konzervansi, kroasan, HPLC


                   A life that brings modern times significantly affected the different habits of people, including in food and thus to
               the food industry. If  microorganisms develop in the foodstuff, it becomes dangerous to use. In order to prolong the
               shelf life of food preservatives are added. Sorbic acid is commonly used as a preservative in various products such as
               non-alcoholic drinks, margarine, bakery products and cheeses. Previous scientific studies have shown that sorbic acid
               is not harmful to human health and that there are no adverse effects if used within permitted limits, prescribed by the
               Pravilnik o prehrambenim aditivima (Sl. glasnik RS 63/13). The aim of this study was to verify whether limits were
               exceeded and whether it is really necessary to add an additive to a product to keep it usable for a longer period of
               time. According to the Regulations, it’s allowed to add up to 2000 mg / kg of sorbic acid  in the fine bakery products.
               There were purchased two industrial packaged croissants different manufacturers whose shelf life of three months
               and a croissant from a bakery. In industrial croissants is declared the presence of sorbic acid. In the bakery croissant
               is not allowed to add preservatives. In these samples we have determined the content of sorbic acid HPLC method
               (standard method NMKL 124). In the bakery croissant wasn’t found sorbic acid. In the industrial croissant 1 was
               found 847.3 mg / kg, and in the industrial croissant 2 611.0 mg / kg. Both croissants contain sorbic acid in an amount
               below the minimum, which indicates that the products are correct. Children are the most frequent consumers of these
               foods, and by PDU (25 mg / kg) for the average child (35 kg) is recommended to eat only one industrial croissant.
               All croissants are preserved and after 15 days it is evident that at the bakery croissant develop microorganisms and
               industry are still safe to use. It has been shown that the use of preservatives is justified when it is necessary to extend
               the shelf life product. Key words: sorbic acid, additives, croissant, HPLC
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