Page 192 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 192


               Autor: Jovana Gavrilovid Učenik VII razreda OŠ ,,Ruđer Boškovid”, Beograd

               Mentori: Vesna Novovid, profesor hemije,  Jelena Vračevid Bojadžievski, profesor biologije


                      Cilj  našeg  istraživanja  je  da  u  uslovima  školske  laboratorije  dokažemo  da  kiselost
               vodenog rastvora utiče na uspešnost klijanja biljaka. Biljka koju smo koristili u eksperimentu je

               pšenica (Triticum), njeno seme. Eksperimenti skoje smo uradili pokazuju da male promene pH

               vodenog rastvora ne utiču značajno na uspešnost klijanja. Drugi eksperiment koji je značajnije

               promenio pH rastvora je uticao na uspešnost klijanja. Dizajn našeg eksperimenta ima mana i na
               tome demo raditi u narednom periodu.

                      Ključne reči: klijanje, pH, pšenica


                        The aim of our study is that in a terms of schools laboratori try prove that the pH of an

               water solution affects the performance of the germination of plants. The plant that was used in
               the experiment is wheat ( Triticum ), its seeds. Experiments that we did show that small changes

               in the pH of the watersolution does not significantly affect the success of germination. In an

               another  experiment  that  has  changed  pH  significantly  affect  of    the  pH  to    the  success  of
               germination is significant . The design of our experiment is flawed and it will work on it  in the


                      Keywords : germination , pH , wheat
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