Page 191 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 191


               Autor: Aleksandra Grozdanović Učenica sedmog razreda OŠ „Aleksa Šantić“
               Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II

               Mentor: Stefan Lazić Student Biološkog fakulteta


                      Vitamin C je askorbinska kiselina. On je veoma značajan i u organizam se unosi putem voda i
               povrda.Vitamin  C  se  može  nadi  u  hrani  (  vode  iz  roda  limuna,  paradajz,  peršun,  zeleno  lisnato  sirovo
               povrde, kopriva, spanad; crveni, naranđasti i žuti plodovi; šipak, gloginje, crvena paprika; dinje, jagode,
               crvene i crne ribizle, višnja, zeleni orasi čija su jezgra još meka, kupine, vinovo lišde, kupus, krompir, kelj,
               prokelj...).Vitamin  C  je  najosetljiviji  je  od  svih  hidrosolubilnih  vitamina.Gubi  se:  kuvanjem,  toplotom,
               mlevenjem, dodirom sa vazduhom, alkalijama i kontaktom sa posuđem od bakra.Ima specijalnu ulogu u
               hidroksilaciji  prolina  u  kolagenu.  Smrtonosna  doza  ne  postoji.  Visoke  doze  vitamina  C  mogu  vezivati
               kalcijum iz kostiju i izbacivati ga urinom. Bitno je da unosimo određenu količinu vitamina C. Cilj ovog rada
               bilo je utvrđivanje razlike u koncentraciji vitamina C u svežem vodu i kupovnim sokovima, svežem povrdu
               i  kuvanom  povrdu.  Korišdeni  su  radovi  u  kojima  je  izračunata  koncentracija  vitamina  C  u  različitim
               izvorima. Izvori su: sveže vode, sveže povrde, kupovni sokovi, kuvano povrde. Najviše vitamina C ima u
               svežem vodu i povrdu. Kuvanjem i termičkim obradama se smanjuje količina vitamina C, što vidimo u
               kuvanom povrdu i kupovnim sokovima, gde je koncentracija vitamina C znatno manja.

               Ključne reči: vitamin C, povrde, vode, termička obrada

                      Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. It is very important and it enters to our system through fruits and
               vegetables.Vitamin C can be found in food (fruits of the genus lemon, tomato, parsley, green leafy raw
               vegetables,  nettle,  spinach,  red,  orange  and  yellow  fruits,  rosehips,  haws,  red  peppers,  melons,
               strawberries,  red  and  black  currant,  cherry,  green  walnuts  whose  core  is  still  soft,  blackberry,  grape
               leaves,  cabbage,  potatoes,  kale,  brussels  sprouts...).  Vitamin  C  is  the  most  sensitive  of  all  the  water-
               soluble vitamin.It is getting lost when: cooking, heating, grinding, tapping with air, alkalis and contact
               with dishes from copper.It has special role in the hydroxylation of proline in collagen. Lethal dose does
               not exist. High doses of vitamin C may combine calcium from the bones and throw it throw the urine. It is
               important that we take a certain amount of vitamin C. Purpose of this study was to examine differences
               in  the  concentration  of  vitamin  C  in  fresh  fruits  and  buying  juices,  fresh  vegetables  and  cooked
               vegetables. We used the articles in which is calculated concentration of vitamin C in various sources.
               Sources include: fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, buying juices, cooked vegetables. Most of vitamin C have
               fresh fruits and vegetables. Cooking and reduces the amount of vitamin C, that we see in the cooked
               vegetables and juices, where the concentration of vitamin C significantly reduced.

               Keywords: vitamin C , vegetables , fruits, heating treatment
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