Page 196 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 196



               Autor: NATALIJA ŽIVADINOVIĆ učenica osmog razreda škole „Josif Pančid“ Regionalni centar za talente
               Beograd II  Mentor: GORANA JENDRIŠEK student Biološkog fakulteta


               Antocijani su biljni pigmenti koji strukturno pripadaju polifenolima odnosno flavonoidima. Zajedničke karakteristike
               svih  antocijana  su  dva  benzenova  prstena  povezana  sa  tročlanim  ugljenikovim  nizom.  Svako  od  ovih  jedinjenja
               sadrži hidroksilne grupe, čiji broj i položaj određuju hemijska svojstva i pH vrednost te supstance. S obzirom da
               antocijani menjaju boju u zavisnosti od pH vrednosti, mogu se koristiti kao indikatori.
               Antocijani  se  u  prirodi  ne  mogu  nadi  u  slobodnom  stanju  zbog  velike  reaktivnosti.  U  biljkama  se  nalaze  u  vidu
               heterozida.  U  ovom  radu,kao  izvor  antocijana  korišden  je  crveni  kupus.  Njegovim  rastvaranjem  u  vodi,  dobijen
               rastvor ljubičasto-plave boje koji je korišden kao indikator.

               Cilj ovog rada bilo je ispitivanje promene boje antocijana u rastvorima supstanci različitih pH vrednosti i njihovo
               upoređivanje sa supstancama nepoznate pH vrednosti.

               Eksperimentom je utvrđeno da dolazi do promene boje dodavanjemrastvora crvenog kupusa u rastvore različitih
               supstanci, a promena boje zavisi od pH vrednosti. Supstance koje imaju nizak pH su crvene boje, one čiji je pH u
               opsegu  od  6  do  10  plave,  a  rastvori  vedeg  pH  su  žute  i  zelene  boje.  Do  promene  boje  dolazi  zbog  promene  u
               hemijskoj strukturi.

               Ključne reči:antocijani, flavonoidi, pH vrednost, crveni kupus.


               Anthocyanins  are  plant  pigments  which  structurally  belong  to  polyphenols  respectively    flavonoids.  Common
               features of all anthocyanins are two benzene rings connected by a three-member carbon series. Each one of these
               compounds contains hydroxyl group, whose number and position determine chemical properties and the pH value
               of these substances.Considering that anthocyanins change colour depending on pH, they can be used as indicators.

               Anthocyanins are naturally not found in the free state because of their high reactivity. They are found in plants in
               the  form  of  heterosides.  In  this  study,red  cabbage  was  used  as  a  source  of  anthocyanins.  As  a  result  of  its
               dissolution in water, resulting solution becomes violet-blue colour and that solution was used as an indicator.

               The objective of this study was to determine change in colour of anthocyanins in solutions substances of different
               pH values and their comparison with substances of unknown pH values.

               The experiment showed that there is a change of colour pouring solution of red cabbage in a solution of different
               substances, and change of colour depending on the pH value. Substances which have a low pH had red colour,
               those which have a pH between 6 and10 were blue  and all solutions higher pH the yellow and green colour. There
               were change of colours because there is a change in the chemical structure. Key words:anthocyanins, flavonoids,
               pH value, red cabbage.
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