Page 244 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 244


               Autor: ANDRIJA KANKARAŠ, Sedmi (VII/1), OŠ Josif Panĉić
               Mentor: Prof. Dr. MATEJA OPAČIĆ dipl.maš.ing., Fakultet Informacionih Tehnologija


               Svrha  i  cilj  ovog  rada  su  da  saznam  više  o  Windowsu  7  i  da  to  znanje  podelim  sa  drugima.

               Traţim podatke o Windowsu 7 na internetu i pravim web prezentaciju u kojoj ga predstavljam.

               Microsoft  je  u  svoj  operativni  sistem  ubacio  mnogo  preĉica  i  olakšica  koje  će  ubrzati  rad.
               Interfejs takoĊe mnogo bolje reaguje na komande, zbog novog naĉina na koji se koristi RAM

               grafiĉke  kartice  bolja  je  iskorišćenost  glavne  memorije.  Ovo  ima  negativan  utisak  na  2D

               performanse. Perfromanse Windowsa XP i Windowsa 7 su sliĉne, neki ĉasopisi tvrde da je XP
               brţi, a neki obratno. Windows 7 je dobio servis Windows Defender koji štiti od virusa. Problem

               Windowsa  7  je  to  što  ne  podrţava  neke  starije  programe  bez  XP  moda,  doduše  Microsoft  se
               pobrinuo da neki noviji programi ne rade na XP-u. Noviji DirectX-ovi takoĊe nisu podrţani u

               XP-u.  Zakljuĉak  je  da  je  Windows  7  napravio  pomak  na  polju  funkcionalnosti,  zadrţao
               performanse XP-a, povećao sigrunost, ali je izgubio podršku za starije programe.

               KLJUČNE REČI Windows7, novine,  perfromanse, problemi, verzije.


                 The purpose and objective of this study is to find out more about Windows 7 and to share this
                   knowledge with others. I am looking for information about Windows 7 on the Internet and

                  making a web presentation in which  I am presenting it. Microsoft put a lot of shortcuts and

               functionality improvements that will accelerate work. The interface is also much more responsive
                  to commands, because of the new way this OS uses RAM of the video card, main memory is

                 better used. This has a negative impact on 2D performance. Performance  of Windows XP and
                Windows 7 is similar, some magazines claim that XP is faster, and some vice versa. Windows 7

                 has a new service Windows Defender that protects from viruses.The problem of Windows 7 is

                that it does not support some older programs without XP mode, though Microsoft made sure that
                   some newer programs can't work on XP. Newer DirectXs also aren't supported in XP. The

                conclusion is that Windows 7 made progress in the field of functionality, performance remained
                           the same as in XP, increased security, but lost support for older programs.

               KEYWORDS Windows 7, Innovations, performance, problems, versions.
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