Page 242 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 242
Autor: Mirko Jovanović VII-4 O.Š. „Branko Ćopić“ Beograd Regionalni Centar za Talente
Beograd II
Mentor: Mateja Opaĉić
Cilj ovog rada je upoznavanje sa radom Dns servera.Osnove Dns servera su preslikavanje izmeĊu
simboliĉkih imena i IP adresa.UraĊena je animacija u Blenderu 2.5 da bi mogla da prikaţe na
jednostavan naĉin kako rade DNS serveri.DNS serveri poseduju mogućnost da razmenjuju
podatke izmeĊu sebe.
Kljuĉne reĉi: DNS serveri, Blender 2.5, IP adrese
The goal of this project is to introduce the work of Dns Servers . Basics of DNS servers are the
mapping between symbolic names and IP adreses.I have made the animation in Blender 2.5 to be
able to show in a simple way to do DNS servers.DNS servers have the ability to exchange data
among themselves.
Keywords: DNS servers, Blender 2.5, IP addresses