Page 237 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 237
Autor: Rastko Mioćinović
Mentor: Mateja Opaĉić
Rastko Mioĉinović 2014.
Jedan od mnogih problema u srpskom prosvetnom sistemu je proveravanje ocena. Do sada
roditelji i uĉenici su bili primorani da odlaze u školu da bi provelili ocene. Rešenje ovog
problema je uvoĊenje elektronskog dnevnika, mySQL baze podataka koja sadrţi sve ocene i
izostanke i omogućava njihovo pregledanje preko Interneta. To omogućava pregledanje ocena iz
bilo kog kraja sveta, bili roditelji kući ili na poslovnom putu oni mogu pristupiti ocenama i
izostancima i pregledati ih. Za razliku od većine drugih sliĉnih aplikacija elektronski dnevnik ne
zahteva poseban software instaliran na ureĊaju kojim se pristupa dnevniku, već se njemu pristupa
preko web aplikacije izraĊene u HTML–u, PHP–u, CSS–u i JavaScript–u. Zbog toga
elektronskom dnevniku se moţe pristupiti sa ogromnog broja ureĊaja i operativnih sistema, bilo
da je to Windows, Mac, Android, Windows Phone ili bilo koji drugi. Naravno podacima ne moţe
pristupiti svako, već da bi se videle ocene roditelj ili uĉenik se prvo mora ulogovati koristeći se
svojim matiĉnim brojem i šifrom koju je prethodno odredio. Za razliku od ostalih sliĉnih
proizvoda koji najĉešće izgledaju zastarelo i pretrpano, elektronski dnevnik ima moderan i
minimalistiĉan izgled zahvaljujući CSS platformi.
Kljuĉne reĉi: elektronski dnevnik, ocene, izostanci, mySQL, HTML, PHP
One of the many problems in the Serbian education system is checking grades. So far, parents
and students were forced to go to school to check grades. The solution to this problem is the
introduction of an electronic gradebook, a MySQL database containing all grades and absences ,
and allows their viewing over the Internet . It allows viewing the grade from anywhere in the
world , the parents back home or on a business trip can access grades and absences , and to
review them . Unlike most other similar applications, this electronic grade book does not require
any special software installed on the device used to access the log, but it is accessed via a web
application developed in HTML , PHP and CSS. Therefore, the electronic gradebook can be
accessed from a large number of devices and operating systems , be it Windows , Mac , Android ,
Windows Phone or any other . Of course, the data can not be accessed by anyone , but to be able
to see the grades the parent or student must first log in using their unique registration number and
password which is previously determined . Unlike other similar products that may look outdated
and overcrowded , electronic diary has a modern and minimalist look thanks to the CSS platform.
Key words: electronic gradebook, grades, absences, MySQL, HTML, PHP