Page 232 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 232
Autori: Matija Krunid i Iva Tošid, učenici OŠ “Vuk Karadžid”, 8 razred
Mentor: prof. Ljiljana Grkovid, profesor hemije
Nafta i gas spadaju u korisne mineralne sirovina, čije je mesto formiranja Zemljina kora. Bez njih se danas
ne može zamisliti svakodnevni život. Nafta pripada biolitima, odnosno kaustobiolitima- fosilnim gorivima.
Užu porodicu u okviru kaustobiolita, predstavljaju petrobitumije, čiji je glavni i najvažniji član nafta.
U sastav nafte pa i u ostalim petrobitumijama u analizama je uvek prisutna i izvesna količina vode, od
koje se ne može lako osloboditi, ona je takoredi “vezana” u komponentalni sastav nafte. Komponentalni
sastav nafte čine četiri komponente, a to su : ulja (organska), smole, asfalteni, karboidi. U radu de se
prikazati upravo, postupak određivanja vode u mineralnim uljima.
ključne reči: Kaustobioliti, nafta, derivati, osobine.
Petroleum and gas belong to a group of useful mineral raw materials, which are forming in the Earth, s
peel.Without them we can t image today our daily life.Petroleum belongs to biolits, like caustobiolit-
fossil fuel. The cord family in the frame of caustobiolits, represents petrobutimia, where the main and
most important member is petroleum.
In the composed of petroleum, as well as other petrobutimia, in the analiseyes is always present a
certain quantity of water, which is very hard to release of. She is „bind“ in the commponental composed
of petroleum. Commponental composed of petroleum represents four commponents, and they are: oiles
(organic), smoles, asfalein, carboids. In this project we are going to presents exectly, the experement:
the definiting of water from petroleum.
key words: caustobiolits, petroleum, products, caracteristicts