Page 236 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 236
Autor: Andrej Mirković, uĉenik sedmog razreda OŠ “Josif Panĉić”, Beograd
Mentor: prof. Mateja Opaĉić, dipl. maš. inţ, asistent, Fakultet Informacionih Tehnologija
U današnje vreme meĊu decom a i odraslima rasprostranjeno je uţivanje u igranju kompjuterskih
igrica, ali se retko mogu naći igrice koje su u isto vreme edukativnog i zabavnog karaktera.
Svrha mog projekta je da igrica, koju sam napravio u Unity engine-u[1.], u isto vreme edukuje a i
zabavi igraĉa koji je trenutno igra.
Ovo je avanturistiĉka igrica u kojoj igraĉ uĉestvuje u jednoj priĉi. Ishod igre zavisi od odluka
koje igraĉ donese u razliĉitim trenucima tokom igre. U Delta Quest-u dozvoljeno je onome ko je
igra da sam stvara i kreira virtuelni lik sa kojim ţeli da igra, da ga tokom igre modifikuje ili
izabere novi. Igraĉi se boduju po brzini, pronicljivosti, predviĊanju, magiĉnim moćima… U ovoj
igri igraĉ doţivljava simulaciju u kojoj ţivi ţivot srednjovekovnog ĉoveka . Igraĉ ulaţe
intelektualni napor u rešavanju najsloţenijih zadataka koji se postavljaju pred njega i moţe da
igra sa drugim igraĉima jer je igrica multiplayer i dostupna je svima preko sajta koji je radjen u
HTML–u i CSS-u koji je povezan sa MySQL[2.] bazom podataka.
Kljuĉne reĉi: igrica, Unity, MySQL, HTML, CSS
At the present time among children and adults is spread enjoy playing computer games, but rarely
can find games that are at the same time educational and entertaining.
The purpose of my project is that the game which I made in the Unity engine, at the same time
educate and entertain the player who is currently playing.
This is an adventure game in which the player participates in a story. The outcome of the game
depends on the decisions that the player brings at different times during the game. In Delta Quest
it is allowed to whoever is playing the game to create and make a virtual character with which he
wants to play, to modify it or choose a new one. Players are ranked by speed, smartness,
prediction, magical powers ... In this game the player is experiencing a simulation in which he
lives the life of a medieval man. Player is investing intellectual efforts in solving the most
complex tasks set before him and can play with other players because the game is multiplayer
and is available to everyone through the site, which was made in HTML and CSS that is
connected with the MySQL database.
Key words: game, Unity, MySQL, HTML, CSS.