Page 238 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 238

                               MOĆNE KULE KAULA LUMPUR KULE BLIZNAKINJE

               Аутор: Konstantin Simonović, VIII-1, OŠ“France Prešern“
               Ментор: Olja Milović

               Kuala  Lumpur  kule,  takodje  poznate  kao  Petronas  kule  su  jedne  od  najvećih  i  najĉudesnijih

               kreacija modernog doba. One predstavljaju snagu i prosperitet i je su nacionalni znak Malezije.
               One su 452 metra visoke i imaju 88 spratova obe. Jedno vreme su ĉan drţale rekord za najviše

               zgrade na svetu. Mnogi ljudi već znaju za njih, ali ne mnogo. Zato sam ja u ovom papiru hteo da
               ih predstaviti u njihovom najboljem ljudima koji ĉitaju ovo. Ljudi koji su pozvani da uĉestvuju u

               ovom  projektu  su  sa  svih  strana  sveta,  što  ĉini  ovo  multikultularni  projekat.  Trebalo  je  dosta

               vremena  i  truda  da  se  naprave  ove  zgrade,  da  ne  pominjemo  da  su  neki  delovi  napravljeni  u
               drugim drţavama ili su montiranu na zemlji pre nego sto su postavljeni na kule. Postoje i druge

               stvari  koje  pripadaju  kompleksu  KL  kula.  Park  koji  se  nalazi  oko  njih  i  Suria  KLCC  takodje
               pripadaju njihovom kompleksu. Kule su takodje korišcenje u pravljenju drugih filmova i igrica,

               dok  su  tu  jos  nekoliko  dogadjaja  koji  ukljucuju  kule  KL.  Za  mene  one  predstavljaju  nesto
               posebno i jedinstveno.

               Ključne reči: Kuala Lumpur kule, snaga, prosperitet


               The Kuala Lumpur towers, also known as the Petronas towers are some of the largest and most
               amazing creations of modern time. They represent strength and prosperity and are the national

               sign of Malaysia. They are 452 m high with 88 floors in each tower. One time they even held the
               record for the highest building in the world and still are the record holders for the most highest

               twin building in the world. Many people already know of them, but not much. That is why in this
               paper I wanted to represent them in their best to the people who read this. The people who were

               called to take part in the making of these building are from all around the world, which makes

               this a multicultural project. It took a lot of time and effort to make these building, not to mention
               that  some  parts  were  built  in  other  countries  or  were  assembled  on  the  ground  before  being

               placed on the towers. There are also other things that belong to the KL towers complex. The park
               around  them  and  Suria  KLCC  also  belong  to  the  complex.  The  towers  were  also  used  in  the

               making of other movies and games, while there were also several events that included the KL

               towers. For me they represented something special and unique.
               Key words: Kuala Lumpur towers, strength, prosperity
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