Page 293 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 293

                                                А HISTORY OF ТHE HUNS

     Autor:  STEVANOVIĆ ŢARKO  O.Š. Vladislav Petković – Dis   VII/2
     Mentor: Dr STANOJE BOJANIN Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II


            Rad  iznosi  podatke  koji  su  sakupljeni  iz  knjiga  i  nauĉnih  istraţivanja  koja  istraţuju  uticaj
     Huna  na  tok  istorije  na  teritoriji  Evrope  i  Azije,  kao  i  na  kulturu  naroda  koji  su  ţiveli  na  tim

     prostorima. Metoda se sastoji od prikupljanja i analize podataka i njihove prezentacije, pa su shodno
     tome izneti zakljuĉci.

     Kljuĉne reĉi: Atila,Rimsko carstvo,Seoba naroda, Huni, Azija


            This paper presents the data from books and scientific researches concerning influence of the

     Huns on the course of history on Europe and Asian territory, as well as on the culture of the people
     that have lived in that region. The method consists of gathering data, their analysis and presentation

     and by that conclusions are brought out.

     Key words: Attila, Roman Empire, Migration Period, Huns, Asia
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