Page 288 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 288

ADOLF HITLER 1889. – 1945.



            Cilj  ovoga  rada  je  da  se  pokaţe  ţivot  u  Beogradu  u  periodu  izmeĊu  Poţarevaĉkog  i

     Beogradskog  mira  (od  1717.  do  1739.  godine).  Te  godine  pod  vlašću  austrijske  carevine  su  bile

     posebne, utoliko  što je  u  potpunosti promenjen naĉin i  kvalitet  ţivota stanovništva, kao  i njegov

     etniĉki  sastav.  Posebna  paţnja  se  poklanjala  obrazovanju  omladine,  kao  i  razvoju  zdravstvene

     kulture graĊana. Beograd od turske kasabe prerasta u savremen, evropski, barokni grad. Tokom te 22

     godine austrijska carevina je u potpunosti obnovila tvrĊavu stvarajući od nje bedem hrišćanstva cele

     Evrope. Po prvi put arhitektura mora da ispuni ne samo funkcionalne već i da zadovolji i estetske

     norme. Ţelja ovih osvajaĉa je bila da prošire rimokatoliĉku veru i svoj uticaj na Beograd, dok su Srbi

     vodili neprestanu borbu za oĉuvanje svojih prava i pokušavali mukotrpno da steknu nove privilegije.

     Novi gospodari su dali Beogradu sjaj, koji je na ţalost bio  kratkog daha ali se dugo pamtio.

     Kljuĉne reĉi:Beograd, Austrija, mir, razvoj, barok.


            The  purpose  of  this  work  is  to  show  way  of  living  in  Belgrade  between  Poţarevac  and

     Belgrade Treaty (1717.-1739.). This period gouverned by Austrian Empire was very special because

     the complete lifestyle was changed as well as the ethnic composition. Atention was payed to the

     education  of  young  as  well  as  to  the  developement  of  health  of  the  citizens.  Belgrade  was
     transformed  from  little  turkish  town  to  europian  baroc  city  with  new  lifestyle.  In  those  22  years

     Austrian Empire completely rebulit the fortress turning it into the wall of christianity of the whole
     Europe. For the first time architecture  has to fulfil functional as well as estetic demands.  The aim of

     the conqueror was to spread catholicism and his influence on Belgrade, while Serbs were trying to
     keep  their  rights  and  get  new  privilegies.  New  masters  gave  Belgrade  new  shine  which  was

     unfortuantely short but the memory stays.

     Key words:Belgrade, Austria, peace, developement, baroc.
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