Page 283 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 283

                                                  HUMAN  EVOLUTION

      Autor:  Marija Sladaković,uĉenica VIII razreda Osnovne škole “ĐorĊe Krstić”
     Mentor:  Dr Stanoje Bojanin , Istorijski institut u Beogradu


     Ĉovek je, anatomski gledano, savršeno biće. Njegove karakteristike su, isto tako, zanimljive. Što se
     tiĉe estetike, i na tom polju ĉovek dobro stoji. Ali otkud mu sve to? I zašto je sve to tako?Evolucija
     postavlja mnoga pitanja, ali je i sama odgovor na neka od njih. Moguće rešenje, koje se godinama
     nameće nauĉnicima, je postepeni, stadijumski razvoj. On podrazumeva razviće više razliĉitih vrsta
     do ĉoveka, kakav je danas.

     U  ovom  radu  ću  pisati  o  svakoj  vrsti  posebno,  ali  ću  ih,  takoĊe,  uporeĊivati.  Iako  su  svi  imali
     razliĉite  navike, osobine, pa  i  drugaĉiji  izgled, u  suštini  su  bili  vrlo  sliĉni.  Dosta  dug  vremenski
     period  je  protekao  dok  se  Australopitekus  nije  postepeno  razvio  u  savremenog  ĉoveka,  kakvi  su
     današnji ljudi, a taj period je meni bio posebno zanimljiv. Zato sam odluĉila da više istraţim istoriju

     naših predaka ...

     Kljuĉne reĉi: evolucija, razvoj, govor, alatke, hrana.


     Man is, anatomically speaking, a perfect being. Its characteristics are also interesting. Speaking of
     aesthetics, in this area man stands good, too. But how did he have all that? And why is it all like
     that? Evolution raises many questions, but itself is a response to some of them. A possible solution,
     which is intrude to scientists for many years, is a gradual development. It includes development of
     different species to human, as it is today.
     In this paper I‟ll write about every species,but, I‟ll also compare it between themselves. Although

     they all had different habits, characteristics and a different look, in fact they were very similar. Quite
     a long period of time elapsed until the Australopithecus was gradually developed into modern man,
     such as todays people, and this period was particulary interesting to me. So I decided to explore
     history of our ancestors ...

     Key words: evolution, developement, talk, tools, food.
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