Page 287 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 287

                                                 OPERATION OVERLORD

     autor: MIROSLAV ŢIVKOVIĆ                   VII/5 OŠ. BRANKO ĆOPIĆ
      mentor: Dr. STANOJE BOJANIN

       Operacija Overlord(Bitka za Normandiju) vodila se u junu 1944. IzmeĊu snaga nacistiĉke Nemaĉke,okupatora

       zapadne Evrope, i savezniĉkih invazionih snaga.To je najveća pomorska invazija tog vremena.Ukljuĉivala je preko
       3.000.000 vojnika, prevezenih preko kanala La Manš u Normandiju u okupiranoj Francuskoj.

            Saveziĉke snage su ĉinile uglavnom ameriĉke,britanske,kanadske i francuske jedinice,zemlje ĉiji su vojnici

       takoĊe uĉestvovali su: Australija, Belgija, Ĉehoslovaĉka, Grĉka, Holandija, Norveška.

     Iskrcavanje u Normandiji poĉinje noćnim padobranskim i jedriliĉarskim desantom,masivnim vazdušnim napadima i
     pomorskim bombardovanjem nakon kojeg je usledio amfibijski desant rano ujutro 6.juna.Snage D-dana prebaĉene su

     iz baza sa juţne obale Engleske,a najvaţnija je bila luka Portsmouth.

     Ključne reči: Overlord, Dan-D, Normandija, general Ajzenhauer, Vinston Čerčil


                Operation  Overlord(Battle  for  Normandy)was  in  june  1944.  between  Nazi  German  forces,occupator  of

     western  Europe,and  allied  invasion  forces.That  was  biggest  naval  invasion  that  time.It  included  over  3.000.000

     soldiers moved over La Mansh channel to Normandy in occupated France.

            Allied forces that saw combat in Normandy on June 6 came from Canada, Free French Forces, the United

     Kingdom, and the United States.There were also contingents from Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, and
     the Netherlands, Norway.The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air

     attacks, naval bombardments, an early morning of 6.june amphibious landing.The "D-Day“ forces deployed from

     bases along the south coast of England, the most important of these being Portsmouth.

     Key words: Overlord, D-Day, Normandy, general Isenhower, Vinceton Chuchill
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