Page 301 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 301
Miljanić Marko, uĉenik VIII-2 razreda OŠ ,,Milorad Labudović Labud“
Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
Mentor Prof. Gordana Predić
Ovaj rad ima zadatak da predstavi politiĉku delatnost ţena vladara i njihov uticaj na muţeve. Nepravedno
zapostavljene, one zauzimaju vaţno mesto u srpskoj istoriji. Njihovo mišljenje ĉesto je bilo presudno prilikom
donošenja mnogih, vaţnih odluka. Poĉev od Ane Duka, koja je stavila pod uticaj kralja Radoslava, preko Jelene
Anţujske, koja je pokušavala da nagovori muţa na uniju sa Rimom, do Drage Mašin, ĉijom se ''zaslugom'' ugasila
dinastija Obrenović, supruge vladara su se uplitale u politiku i ostavile neizbrisiv trag. Dušana je brak koštao
svetiteljstva - nije trebalo da odvede suprugu na Svetu Goru. Stefanu je braĉna veza sa Zapadom donela kraljevsku
krunu. Nebrojeno puta su one donosile odluke kojima je odluĉivana sudbina cele dinastije i drţave.
Ovim radom je pokušano rasvetljavanje, makar malog dela uticaja i politiĉke delatnosti ţena, koje i pored
inteligencije, sposobnosti i porekla, nisu uvek uspevale da iskoraĉe iz senke svojih, daleko poznatijih muţeva.
Kljuĉne reci: supruge vladara, kraljice, uticaj na muţeve
This essey is devoted to briefly illustrate some political activities of the rulers` wives and their influence to their
husbands. Being inequitable set aside, they took a very important role in modern Serbian political history. For
example, their personal opinions were extremly important when the quite crucial decisions had been made. From
princess Ana Duka who suppressed cunningly her husband king Radoslav, and Jelena Anzujska who tried to
persuade her husband to make an union with the Holy See, to Draga Masin who was responsible for the dynasty
Obrenovich`s fade, the rulers` wives were fateful involved into their husbands` state policy leaving there their
inderible signes. Because of his marriage Serbian emperor Dusan lost his proclamation of being a saint; he
shouldn`t better take his wife to Sveta Gora. King Stephan got his crown thanks to his `WESTERN` marriage. The
rulers` wives made a lot of decisions that had a great impact to their states and dynasties as well.
Having its generally purpose to reflect an impact, that rulers wives, even little, had in history, and at the end to
illustrate that they weren`t always able to step aside from their powerful husbands` shadows, despite their
intelligence, ability and personal background.
Key words: wives of rulers, queens, influence to husbands