Page 304 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 304
Autori: TARA ĐUROVIĆ, uĉenica Osnovne škole "Dule Karaklajić" Lazarevac
ANĐELIJA SANDIĆ, uĉenica Osnovne škole "Dule Karaklajić" Lazarevac
Mentori: KATARINA MILINOVIĆ, profesor istorije OŠ "Dule Karaklajić" Lazarevac
GORDANA PREDIĆ, profesor istorije OŠ "RuĊer Bošković" Beograd
Predmet istraţivanja je Spomen-crkva Svetog ĐorĊa u Ćelijama u kojoj se danas nalazi deo zajedniĉke grobnice
srpskih i austrougarskih boraca poginulih u Kolubarskoj bici. Najvatrenije borbe Kolubarske bitke voĊene su kod
Šopića, Lazarevca, Ljiga, Konatica, na Ĉovki, Ţupanjskoj i Ćelijskoj kosi - odnosno Vraĉe brdu u ĉijem se podnoţju
nalazi ova Crkva koja ima veliki znaĉaj u našoj istoriji, kao istorijski i kulturni spomenik. Arheološka ispitivanja
pokazuju da je na mestu današnje Crkve postojao manastir sagraĊen verovatno krajem 14-og i poĉetkom 15-og veka.
Prema arheološkim iskopinama starog manastira, zakljuĉeno je da je sadašnja Crkva površine oko 62 m , skoro
duplo manja od prvobitne. Obradom podataka došli smo do zakljuĉka da je rušena dva puta, a treći put je obnovljena
1924. godine kada su kosti poginulih boraca u Kolubarskoj bici skupljane po Vraĉe brdu i dolinama reka Kolubare i
Ljiga i sahranjene u kripti crkve. Cilj našeg istraţivanja je da dokaţemo da su u njoj bile sahranjene kosti palih boraca
iz Kolubarske bitke, od kojih je jedan deo kasnije premešten u Spomen-kosturnicu u Lazarevcu. U radu smo koristile
literaturu, usmene izvore, narodno predanje i priloţene fotografije. Obnavljanje Crkve 1924. godine uradili su
meštani sela Ćelije uz pomoć kralja Aleksandara I KaraĊorĊevića.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Crkva Svetog ĐorĊa, Kolubarska bitka, kosti poginulih, Ćelije, Spomen-kosturnica u Lazarevcu.
The subject of our research is the memorial church of St George in Celije. There is a cript of both Serbian and
AustroHungarian soldiers killed in Kolubara battle. The most fierce combats of Kolubara battle were near Sopic,
Lazarevac, Ljig, Konatica, on Covka, Zupanjac and Celije spurs-actually on Vrace hill. The church is situated at the
foot of the hill and it has tremendeous significance in our history as a cultural and historical
monument.Archaeological research prove that once there was a monastery, built probably at the and of 14 and the
beginning of 15 century, at the site of today „s church. According to the archaeological finds the old monastery was
twice the size of the present church whose surface is 62 m . Analyzing the facts, we concluded that the church was
ruined twice and it was rebuilt for the third time in 1924. In that year, the remains of the soldiers killed in Kolubara
batlle were gathered around Vrace hill and the valleys of the Kolubara and Ljig rivers and buried in the church
crypt.The aim of our research was to prove that the remains of the deceased soldiers from Kolubara batlle were
buried in the church. The part of the remains was later moved to the memorial church in Lazarevac.
During our work we used the literature, informal sources, oral tradition and the photograps we added to our
work.The restauration of the church was done by the people of the village Celije with the help of the king Aleksandar
Karadjordjevic I.
Key words: St George church, Kolubara battle, remains of deceased soldiers, Celije, memorial church in Lazarevac