Page 406 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 406
Autor: MILOŠ MOSKOVLJEVIĆ učenik 8. razreda OŠ: „Braća Baruh“
Mentor: MR DANIJELA OBRADOVIĆ, Geografski fakultet, Beograd
Rezime: Rad obuhvata analizu rezultata dobijenih na osnovu ispitivanja kvaliteta vode reke Dunav na teritoriji Beograda, u
periodu od 1998. do 2007.godine, sa osvrtom na stanje kvaliteta voda na teritoriji Srbije i osnovnih problema u celom toku reke
Dunav. Došao sam do saznanja da je glavni problem neadekvatno tretiranje otpadnih voda koje se direktno izlivaju u Dunav, kako
kod nas, tako i u celom refnom toku Dunava. Rešenje problema leži u što skorijoj izgradnji postrojenja za tretiranje otpadnih
voda. Saznao sam i da iz Srbije u Dunav odlazi 13% zagađenja fosforom i 14% azotom, što je stavlja na trede mesto po kolifini
azota i na drugo mesto po kolifini fosfora, koja se uliva u vode Dunava iz svih 19 zemalja Dunavskog basena. Takođe se može redi
da je na zagađenost Dunava znatno uticalo bombardovanje SR Jugoslavije 1999. Reka Dunav na teritoriji Beograda je po Uredbi o
klasifikaciji voda svrstana u II klasu, iako ima i pokazatelja III klase. Međutim, stanje kvaliteta se zaista poboljšalo u poslednjih
nekoliko godina. Postoje projekti za zaštitu Dunava, kao što je DREPR (Serbia Danube River Enterprise Pollution Reduction
Project), ali i Međunarodna komisija za zaštitu reke Dunav – ICPDR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube
River), kojom je Srbija predsedavala 2008.godine. Cilj rada je upoznavanje građana sa problemom zagađenja reke Dunav,
podizanje svesti o potrebi rešavanja pomenutog problema, kao i isticanje znafaja zaštite i ofuvanja životne sredine za dobrobit
ljudi. Ključne reči: Dunav, kvalitet vode, izvori zagađenja, mere zaštite.
Summary: This study includes analysis of the results obtained from the test water quality of the Danube River in Belgrade, during
the period since 1998. to 2007, with emphasis on the state of water quality in the territory of Serbia and the basic problems in
the whole course of the river Danube. I came to realize that the main problem is inadequately treated wastewater which directly
effuses into the Danube, as well as in all the river Danube. The solution of the problem is in the very near construction of the
plant for treating wastewater. I found out that from Serbia in the Danube River outflows 13% of phosphorus pollution and 14%
nitrogen, which puts this country on third place by quantity of nitrogen and the second place by the amount of phosphorus that
outflows into the Danube River water from all 19 countries of the Danube basin. Also we can say that the bombing of Yugoslavia
1999th has significantly influenced on pollution of the Danube River. By the Regulation of Water Classification, the Danube River
in Belgrade has been classified as class II, although there are also indicators of class III. However, the state of quality is actually
improved in recent years. There are projects for the Protection of the Danube, as DREPR (Serbia Danube River Enterprise
Pollution Reduction Project) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River - ICPDR (International
Commission for the Protection of the Danube River), which has been chaired by Serbia of 2008. Objective of the study is to
introduce people with problem of the pollution of the Danube River, raising awareness about the necessity to solve the
mentioned problem, and emphasize the importance of protecting and preserving the environment for the benefit of people.
Keywords: Danube, Water Quality, Sources of Pollution, Mitigation Measures.