Page 154 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 154


               Autor: Stefan Jovanović, mentor: Dr Milesa Srećković


               Laseri su elektronski uređaji koji proizvode specijalan oblik svetlosti. Tu svetlost

               odlikuju monohromatnost i koherentnost. Principe rada lasera razradio je Albert
               Ajnštajn  1917.  godine.  Laseri  imaju  široku  primenu  –  u  komunikacijama  ,

               astronomiji,  industriji  itd.  Značajnu  primenu  imaju  i  u  medicini.  Godine  1964.
               Mejmanov rubinski laser je korišden pri lečenju odlepljene mrežnjače. To je bila
               prva praktična upotreba lasera uopšte.

                    1.  Rubinski laser
                    2.  ND: Yag laser

                    3.  Erbijum laser

                  ključne reči: laser, Nd:YAG, Erbijum:YAG, upotreba


               Lasers  are  electronic  devices  that  make  special  kind  of  light.  That  light  is
               monochromatic and coherent. Princips of functioning of lasers developed Albert

               Ainstein in year 1917. Lasers are used in communications, astronomy, industry…
               Important use is in medicine. In the year of 1964 Maiman’s rubin laser was used

               for healing damaged retina. It was the first practical use of lasers.

                    1.  Rubin laser

                    2.  Nd:Yag laser
                    3.  Erbium laser

                  key words: laser, Nd:YAG, Erbium:YAG, use
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