Page 237 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 237
AUTOR: KATARINA IRID, učenik II razreda, Treda beogradska gimnazija
Tema ovog rada je sinteza tetraamminbakar(II)-sulfata monohidrata i ispitivanje uticaja promene
temperature vode (koja rastvara bakar(II)-sulfat pentahidrat) na prinos sintetisanog kompleksnog
jedinjenja. Bakar(II)-sulfat pentahidrat je u prvoj probi rastvaran u vodi temperature 19°C, a u drugoj
probi je rastvaran u vodi temperature 52°C. Promena temperature vode dovela je do kvalitativnih i
kvantitativnih razlika u prinosu. Kvalitativne promene se ogledaju u veličini kristala, koji su mnogo sitniji
u drugoj probi, dok su u prvoj probi igličasti, pravilni i dužine oko 7mm. Promena uslova dovela je i do
razlika u vrednosti prinosa. Povedanje temperature smanjuje prinos, tako da je prinos u probi rađenoj sa
zagrejanom vodom za 25,39% manji od prinosa koji je dobijen sa vodom temperature 19°C. Na ovaj način
je eksperimentalno dokazano da temperatura vode utiče na prinos pomenutog kompleksa i to tako da se
povedanjem temperature prinos smanjuje. Prinos kompleksnog jedinjenja koji je rađen na nižoj
temperaturi iznosi 93,99%.
Ključne reči: tetraamminbakar(II)-sulfat monohidrat, sinteza, prinos, promena temperature, kristalizacija
The theme of this paper is synthesis of tetraammincopper(II)sulphate monohydrate and testing of water
temperature influence, which degrades copper(II)sulphate pent hydrate on yield of synthesized complex
combining. Copper(II)sulphate pent hydrate in his first test was degraded in water which temperature
was 52°C. The change of water temperature led to quality and quantity differences in the yield. Quality
changes are shown in the size of the crystals, which are much smaller in the second test, while in the first
test they were acicular, evenly shaped, about 7mm long. Change of conditions led to the difference in
the yield value. Increase of temperature decreases the yield, so the yield in the test done with heated
water is 25,39% smaller than the yield which was gained with water which temperature was 19°. By this
manner, it is experimental proved that the water temperature has an influence on the yield of the
mentioned complex in such a way that by temperature increasing yield becomes smaller. The yield of
complex combining done at lower temperature is 93,99%.
Key words: tetraammincopper(II)sulphate monohydrate, synthesis, yield, temperature change,