Page 253 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 253
Autor:Katarina Banovic, Prva beogradska gimnazija, Beograd
Mentor: Mateja Opaĉić
Cilj ovog projekta je da na efikasan i jednostavan naĉin predstavi anatomiju ĉoveka. Na
interaktivan naĉin ovaj softver omogućava korisniku da se upozna sa osnovnim konceptima
na kojima se zasniva anatomija ĉoveka.. Zbog interaktivnosti koja se koristi, ovaj softver lako
je razumljiv i intuitivan za sve uzraste. Glavne funkcionalnosti interaktivne anatomije su
mogućnost da korisnik izabere deo tela o kom ţeli da sazna više detalja, nakon ĉega ga sistem
vodi kroz niz lekcija koje ga upućuju u materiju. Nakon što korisnik proĊe kroz odreĊeni
materijal, ima mogućnost da uradi test koji se sastoji od nekoliko jednostavnih pitanja a koji
će proveriti novosteĉeno znanje na odreĊenu temu.
Kljuĉne reĉi: interaktivna anatomija, softver, interaktivno uĉenje
The goal of this project is to present human anatomy in the most efficient and simple way.
This software allows the user to go through basic concepts easily. Because the software
presents material interactively, it is easy to understand this material and it is self-explanatory
for all ages. The main functionality of Interactive Anatomy is the ability to select the wanted
body part and find out more about it. After that, the system guides the user through a series of
lectures. When the user goes through the material, he or she has the option to do a test, which
consists out of a few questions related to the material they were introduced to so it can test
their knowledge on the subject.
Key words: interactive anatomy, software, interactive learning