Page 257 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 257

                                                  (CMS IN ASP.NET)

               Autor: Matija Ĉupić, I godina ETŠ „Nikola Tesla“ Regionalni Centar Za Talente Beograd II
               Mentor: Mateja Opaĉić
               U ovom modernom dobu svima je potrebna internet prezentacija kako bi njihov portfolio bio
               dostupan svim potencijalnim klijentima. Postoji teţnja da sajt bude lak za odrţavanje,  ĉak šta
               više, da sam vlasnik sajta moţe dodavati, uklanjati ili modifikovati sadrţaj bez intervencije
               programera.  Baš  takav  naĉin  kontrole  sadrţaja  predstavlja  forma  CMS-a  (Content
               Management  System).  Projekat  predstavlja  realizaciju  te  ideje  u  ASP.NET  tehnologiji.
               Projekat je izradjen koristeći simplistiĉki dizajn koji istiĉe sadrţaj na najbolji naĉin. Korišćen
               je  kalup  „html5boilerplate“.  Internet  prezentacija  primenjuje  „fluidan  raspored  elemenata“
               koji  joj  omogućava  pristup  sa  bilo  kog  uredjaja  jer  se  raspored  i  veliĉina  elemenata
               prilagodjava  ekranu  na  kom  se  prikazuju.  Svi  moderni  standardi  su  korišćeni,  pa  je  i
               normalizacija  na  visokom  nivou.  Veoma  vaţan  aspekt  ovog  projekta  je  to  što  je
               html5boilerplate  adaptiran  za  korišćene  u  ASP.NET  tehnologiji.  Korišćena  je  forma  2
               interfejsa, od kojih jedan predstavlja korisniĉki  tj. posetilaĉki  (to je interfejs  koji posetioci
               sajta vide i mogu da pristupe) i administratorski (interfejs preko kog se dodaje, uklanja ili
               modifikuje sadrţaj sajta, ovom interfejsu samo ovlašćeni korisnici mogu pristupiti). Ovlašćeni
               korisnici  se  mogu  dodavati  ili  uklanjati  preko  administratorskog  interfejsa,  ubaĉene  su  i
               sigurnosne mere koje onemogućavaju posetioce sajta da pristupe administratorskom interfejsu
               ili da promene bilo koju varijablu sajta, ukoliko ovlašćeni korisnik zaboravi svoju lozinku, tu
               je  mehanizam  vraćanja  izgubljene  lozinke,  koji  nakon  odgovaranja  na  sigurnosno  pitanje
               vraća lozinku korisniku putem e-maila. Ovakav projekat predstavlja demonstraciju napretka u
               web  tehnologiji  i  korektan  pristup  internet  prezentacijama  omogućavajući  da  sam  korisnik
               moţe da menja svoju prezentaciju bez dodatnih troškova i poteškoća.
               Ključne reči: CMS, ASP.NET, korisnik, administrator, interfejs

               In this modern age, everyone needs an internet presentation so that their portfolio is available
               to all potential clients. There's a tendency that the site is easy to maintain, furthermore, that
               the owner of the site can add, remove or modify the content himself, without the need for the
               intervention of the programmer. That way of content control represents the CMS form. The
               project is a realization of that idea in the ASP.NET technology. It’s made using a simplistic
               design that  accents  the  content in  the best  way. The “html5boilerplate” mold is  used. The
               internet  presentation  implements  the  “fluid  layout”  and  allows  access  to  the  internet
               presentation from any device because the layout and the size of the elements adjusts to the
               screen on which they’re displayed. All modern standards are used and the normalization is at
               a high level. A very important aspect of the project is that the html5boilerplate is adaptet for
               use in the ASP.NET technology. The form of 2 interfaces is used: one’s a user i.e. visitor
               interface  (that’s  the  interfaces  that  the  visitors  see  and  can  access)  and  the  other’s  an
               administrator interface (the interface which can be used to  add, remove or modify the site
               content,  this  interface  can  be  accessed  only  by  authorized  users).  Authorized  users  can  be
               added or removed via the administration interface, also any other site variable can be changed
               there. If the authorized user forgets his password, a mechanism that restores lost passwords,
               after answering a security question, is preset. It returns the password via e-mail. This project
               represents  the  advancement  in  web  technology,  it  also  represents  a  correct  approach  to
               internet presentations allowing the user to change his presentation without additional costs or
               Key Words: CMS, ASP.NET, user, administrator, interface
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