Page 259 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 259
Autori: Stevan Nestorović i Nikola Popović, III razred, Gimnazija ˝Sveti Sava˝, Regionalni
centar za talente Beograd II
Mentor: prof. Mateja Opaĉić dipl, maš, Asistent, Fakultet Informacionih Tehnologija
Od poĉetka XXI veka tehnologija je znatno napredovala, a samim tim i kompjuterski
programi. Oni se sve vise koriste u svim mogućim podruĉijima, poĉev od školstva pa sve do
prikazivanja istorijskih trenutaka. Moderan pristup svetu olakšao je svakodnevni ţivot a time i
promenio naĉin na koji dolazimo do informacija. Primer toga moţe se videti u ovom
trodimenzionalnom prikazu Kalemegdanske tvrĊave. Svrha ovog softvera bila je da se pruţi
prilika ljudima koji nisu u mogućnosti, a imaju ţelju da vide I ĉuju nešto zanimljivo o
istorijskim dogaĊjajima vezanim za Kalemegdan, kao i da stvore pribliţnu sliku ove tvrĊave.
Iako prikaz Kalemegdana nije savršen, on bi idalje bio sposoban da onima ţeljnim za uĉenjem
da dovoljnu dozu zadovoljsta. Sem za ljubitelje istorije ovaj softver je pogodan I za one koji
traţe nov I zanimljiv naĉin uĉenja koji bi u nekim sluĉajevima mogao da zameniklasiĉnu
formu prikupljanja informacija, bar dok je ova tema u pitanju.
Kljucne reci: Kalemegdan, prikaz, istorija, uĉenje
Since the beginning of the XXI century technology has progressed significantly, and therefore
so have computer programs. They are increasingly being used in all possible areas, ranging
from education up to the presentation of historical moments. Modern access to the world has
eased everyday life and thus changed the way we get information. An example of this can be
seen in this three-dimensional preview of the Kalemegdan fortress. The purpose of this
software was to provide an opportunity for people who are not able to, and or have a desire to
see and hear something interesting about historical events related to the Kalemegdan fortress,
as well as to create a snapshot of the fortress.Even though the preview of Kalemegdan fortress
it would still be able to give a big enough dose of pleasure to those who have a wish to learn.
Not only is this software suitable for those who love history but also for those who are
looking for new and interesting ways of learning which could in some cases replace
traditional forms of gathering information, at least when it comes to this topic.
Key words: Kalemegdan, preview, history, studying