Page 269 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 269
Autor: Sergej Grivcov IV razred „Raĉunarska Gimnazija“, Beograd
Mentor: prof. Mateja Opaĉić dipl, maš, Asistent, Fakultet Informacionih Tehnologija,
Cilj ovog rada je istraţivanje:
prikaza i animacije 3D modela napravljenih u „Autodesk 3Ds Max“-u,
mogućnosti crtanja koje poseduje DirectX koristeći šejdere,
rad UDP protokola, kao i
puštanje zvuka koji menjaju jaĉinu i frekvenciju u zavisnoti od toga gde su u prostoru i kojom
brzinom se kreću.
Igrica „Kralj Ostrva“ je upravo proizvod eksperimentisanja sa navedenim tehnologijama.
Moţe se igrati protiv raĉunara i protiv drugih ljudi sa kojima ste povezani preko mreţe. Svi
igraĉi se nalaze na ostrvu kruţnog oblika koje se, zbog ĉestih zemljotresa, konstantno
smanjuje. Igraĉ gubi ţivotne poene kada upadne u vodu, a ako izgubi sve ţivotne poene gubi
rundu. Poslednji igraĉ koji ostane ţiv pobeĊuje rundu. Svi igraĉi imaju magije koje im
pomaţu u tome da oteraju druge igraĉe u vodu.
Osim glavnih likova i jednog dela vatrene lopte, svi trodimenzionalni modeli su generisani u
samom programu. Voda se crta koristeći šejder koji simulira njeno talasanje, a u stvarnosti je
obiĉna ravan.
Kljuĉne reĉi: igrica, 3D, DirectX/C++, veštaĉka inteligencija, zvuk, mreţa
The goal of this project was to research:
rendering and animation of 3D models created in “Autodesk 3Ds Max”,
the possibilities of rendering using DirectX and shaders,
how the UDP protocol works, and
playing sounds that change volume and frequency depending on where they are in space and
their velocity.
The game “Island King” is the result of experimenting with the mentioned technologies. It can
be played against the computer and other people that you are connected with over a network.
All players are on a circle shaped island which shrinks constantly because of the frequent
earthquakes. Players lose their health points when they are in the water, and if they lose all of
their health points they lose the round. The last player standing wins the round. All players
have spells which help them in getting other players into the water.
Except for the main characters and a part of the fireball, all tridimensional models are
generated in the application itself. The water is drawn using a shader that simulates its waves,
in reality it is a simple plain.
Keywords: game, 3D, DirectX/C++, artificial intelligence, sound, networking