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Geophysical Surveys at Archaeological site near Krušik stadium in Valjevo

                                                      Borko Rajović
                                   Military Grammar School, Belgrade,


          Geophysical survey in archeology are increasingly
          implement. Each geophysical method provides information
          about a particular physical feature of subsurface. By
          integrating these data,  provide complete information to
          determine  the possibility of  archaeological remains in  the
          ground. Archaeological site on which geophysical survey is
          conduct, represents  the remains of a  medieval  monastery
          Gradac and is located in the town of Valjevo. The task of
          research is  to determine the differences in electrical
          resistance of subsurface and the gradient of the Earth's   Figure 1: Resitivity anomaly map at 2m depth interval
          magnetic  field. The aim of the research is to  identify the
          areas whit possible existence of archaeological remains.

                                                                           Figure2: Resistivity profile P1
          Based on previous archaeological research, area 20x20m  is
          determined near the entrance to Krušikov stadium, and
          area along the  wall of  the stadium,  for geophysical
          electrometry and magnetometry survey.
          For the  magnetometry  survey, we used  Gem Systems
          Overhauser GSM  magnetometer with  two  probes
          (gradiometer).  Magnetometry  data acquisition  was carried      Figure 3: Resistivity profile P2
          out in area 20x20. Magnetic profiling  was oriented
          approximately  in  a  north-south  direction, and opposite.   Anomalies that indicate the  provision of the  walls  were
          Distance between profiles  was 1m,  sampling  was 0,5m   determined, and the third profile located near a perimeter
          (Starčević i Đorđević 1999.).                        wall of the stadium, where on the other side  remains of the
                                                               church  are found.  Results  of  the  magnetometry
          For electrometry suvery Wenner array  was applied  with   measurements are partially  correlated with electrometrical
          Lipman 4points instrument. Electrometry  data acquisition   data, however, in order to eliminate noise in the signal, they
          was carried out in  same area  within  parallel profiles   need to be further filtered and processed.
          applying mapping and profiling technic. Distance between
          profiles  was 2m, spacing  between geoelectric measuring
          points  was 2m, for geoelectrical  mapping. Geoelectrical   Conclusion
          profiling  was carried out at three profiles,  with Wenner
          array, at 4 depth levels, 0,5m, 1m, 1,5m and 2m
          (Vukadinović 2011).                                  Obtained  data  showed  certain  anomalies.  Anomalies
          Cabinet work included the processing of the obtained data,   identified on the  resistivity anomaly  map and the two
          after  which anomaly  map of  resistivity  and the  vertical   resistivity  profiles match, which  indicates  that there are
          gradient of the Earth's magnetic field at the target area were   archaeological remains. However,  this resultts  do not
          created, and profiles of the resistivity. Data processing was   coincide completely  with anomalies obtained  with
          performed using the program Surfer 11 and Res2D.     magnetometry survey. In addition, anomalies  in the third
                                                               profile indicate the existence of the remains of the church
                                                               outside the currently known site area.

          On the  resistivitay anomaly  map in-depth level of two   References
          meters (Fig. 1) two positive anomalies  were observed. In
          order to determine the cause of the observed anomalies we   1.  Starčevič M. i Đorđević A. (1998) Osnovi
          conducted  two resistivity profiles, across these anomalies.   geofizike II Gravimetrijske i geomagnetske
          Profiling results confirmed the existence of archaeological   metode, Univerzitet u Beogradu
          objects in zones of maximum value resistivity anomaly map   2.  Vukadinović M. (2011), Primena geofizike u
          (Fig. 2 and 3). Based on previous archaeological findings, it   arheologiji, Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture
          is assumed that it is a stone tombs. However, in order to    Kraljevo, Narodni muzej Kraljevo
          determine the exact causes of these anomalies, need further
          archaeological research
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