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P. 6
Kreiranje referal sistema
Nikola Ilić
Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II,
1. Introduction Also, In order to prevent cheating and continuously visiting
links by the same person, system has protection against
spamming links. By this protection is allowed that person
Referral system is a type of marketing, which is today very
used and popular [1]. It presents promotion of some can only visit link one time. By visiting the link, the PHP
company or individual, by their users, who are motivated checking script is activating, and checking user’s IP
by additional earnings. User is promoting company to his address. If the user’s IP address has already been entered
friends or colleagues, and for his work he is awarded. This into the system that he visited that link, visitor can see error
system is profitable to user, who can easy profit with little screen and message that he visited that link. And, if that IP
effort, and to company, who gets effective and cheap hasn’t been entered in database, visitor accesses the link,
advertisement. Today, referral system is used by many big and his IP address is recorded for future visits.
companies to provide good advertisement, and at the same Within this system there are few PHP scripts that are used
time, to award already existing users. By this project, i have for receiving awards. After the user logs in and selects the
implemented this system on the internet, to be available desired reward, if there are sufficient number of points, the
everyone in everytime. system sends an e-mail to the owner website with basic
information related to the prize. After that owner should
contact user about receiving prize. Also, the website has a
page "Help", which aims to enable easy and simple way to
use website.
For completely controling the system by the administrator,
the system contains the admin control panel. After login to
the site as an administrator, you can access the control
panel, where you can reset the entire system, delete
Picture1. Visual representation of referral system members, add new administrators, etc..
2. Method 4. Conclusion
The whole system is web application, and for its Online referral system is the ideal solution many companies
development is used programming language PHP.I have that want to secure themselves an effective and easy
decided for this language becouse of its widespread, promotion. The aim and advantage of using this system is
simplicity and wide range of options. For storing that it is free, so anyone can implement it on thier web site,
informations it is used MySQL database, becouse of its simple and well-optimized.
very powerfull interaction with PHP [2]. For modifying the The entire system will be constantly improved, and the in
database, i have used tool „phpMyAdmin“. Coding of web the plan is to create a new graphic interface and make
pages is done in combination of HTML/CSS, in program special page for statistic.
Notepad++. Tools and programs that i have also used are:
Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 and
XAMPP. References
[1] P. Schmitt „Referral Programs and Customer Value”
3. Results
The core of this project is unique link of each user. User, [2]
after registration, gets his unique link, which is connected mysql.html
to his account.By sending this link to his friends by social 3.) (Login/Register script)
networks, forums, e-mails etc, user gets points for each one
who visit that link. In same time, user is advertising that 4.)
web site, which is in favor of the owner of the site .Points
are stored in account, and can be changed for awards.