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Golgotha immortalized with camera

                         Anastasija Kocić
              Ulica Druge proleterske brigade 16/6, 18 000 Niš


          On  the  occasion  of  the  centenary  of  the  World  War  I
          outbreak,  and  in  accordance  with  the  testament  that
          warriors for the national liberation left to the descendants so
          as  to  foster  the  unity,  creativity  and  positive  human
          qualities,  I  wanted  to  save  the  images  of  pain  and  pride
          from  oblivion-  Golgotha  immortalized  with  camera  -  as   Picture 01- The King Petar on the ox car in 1915, retreating
          well as to remind that the Serbian army was among the first   through Kosovo and Metohija.
          in  the  world  to  found  the  film  section  at  the  Supreme
          Command  in  Corfu,  and  to  buy  the  filming  equipment.
          Photographers  recorded  the  war  scenes,  particularly  the
          withdrawal  of  the  Serbian  army  through  Albania  and  the
          great  Salonika  front  breakthrough,  so  I  made  an  effort  to
          make all these important material available.

          Work method

          The Internet research, encyclopedia and discussion with the
          descendants of the participants of the World War I.

          The results

          Photos  of  the  First  World  War  were  published  at  various   Picture 02- the portrait of Dragutin Matic
          times  and  in  various  newspapers.  Some  have  emerged  in    “The  soldier  with  the  camera  is  equal  as  a
          the  course  of  the  war,  along  with  reports  of  war   soldier with a gun!
          correspondents  ,  as  well  as  on  allies’  exhibition  of  war   Conclusion
          photographs. Some of these images have become a symbol      The  passage  of  time  takes  its  toll  on  these
          of the  suffering  in the  war, an essential document of that   landmarks,  a  wartime  devastation  and  vandalism  of  the
          time. Each image can be a novel , short story, poem, film ...   enemies  are  destroying  these  monuments,  which  their
          Serbian Odyssey ... John Ford once said: "The Serbs have   ancestors  could  not  break  nor  obey.  One  of  the  valuable
          one  photo-  a  film  like.  There  is  one  photo  from  WWI  in   testimonies of their famous epic, created during the  wars,
          which old King Peter is sitting on the ox car in 1915 while   authentic  and  indestructible,  will  remain  as  a  permanent
          retreating through Kosovo and Metohija. And if this frame   heritage in rich Serbian history!
          could come alive, it would start moving before our eyes as   Literature
          a real movie about the  great drama of the Serbian people   Branibor  Debeljković,  Stara  srpska  fotografija,
          and its king ".                                      Beograd,  1977;Milanka  Todić,  Istorija  srpske  fotografije
          In  the  World  War  I  the  Cinematographic  Section  of  the   1839—1940, Beograd, 1994;Goran Malić, Milan Jovanović
          Supreme  Command  was  established  and  it  gathered   fotograf,  Beograd,  1997;G.  Malić,  Slike  u  srebru  :
          photographers,  videographers  and  painters.  If  we  look   Predistorija  i  tehničko-tehnološka  evolucija  fotografije  u
          through  the  photographs,  postcards  and  illustrations  with   19.  veku  i  prvoj  polovini  20.  veka.,  Beograd:  Fotogram,
          motives from Serbia or Serbian army dating to the Balkan   2001.Enciklopedija  srpskog  naroda,  Beograd:  Zavod  za
          Wars and World War I, we will find the names of Serbian   izdavanje  udžbenika,  2008.  (biografski  prilozi  o  srpskim
          war   photographers   and   painters,   primarily   Rista   fotografima).G.  Malić,  Letopis  srpske  fotografije  1839—
          Marjanovic, and then the military priests Rista Sukovic or   2008. Beograd : Fotogram, 2009.
          Vladimir  Becić...  The  name  of  Samson  Chernova  is  less
          frequently  inscribed  though  he  made  perhaps  the  most
          images, did a large number of paintings and  made several
          documentaries.  Prominent  photographers  are  Rista
          Marjanovic,  Samson  Chernov,  Vladimir  Becić,  Dragisa
          Stojadinovic  and  Risto  Sukovic.  The  author  of  the  most
          famous  images  of  the  Serbian  army  in  the  World  War  I,
          including the iconic portrait of scout Dragutin Matic, was
          Samson Chernov, a Russian photographer and painter .
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