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The frequency of Human papilloma virus genotypes in cervical cancer tissues
Miloš Glišanović
Regional Centre for Talented Youth Belgrade II, Serbia,
Cervical cancer is second most common cancer among
women worldwide. Serbia has the highest incidence of
cervical cancer in Europe.[1] According to their
oncogenic potential, HPV genotypes are classified in
two groups: high-risk and low-risk. HPV genotypes 16
and 18 belong in high-risk group and they appear in 64-
79% cases of cervical cancer.[?]
The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of
HPV genotypes in cervical cancer tissues of women in
Serbia’s population.
Picture No.1 – Gel electrophoresis for PCR products analysis
Materials and methods: (N - negative control; P – positive control; 1. – sample)
The study included 24 tissue samples from cervical
cancer of women aged 36 to 75 years. The presence of References
HPV in the tissue samples was determined using PCR
technique for the detection of HPV DNA with GP1 and [1] Knežević A., Aleksić G., Soldatović I., Banko A.,
GP2 primers for E1 gene. The procedure involved
deparaffinisation of tissue sections, DNA extraction, Jovanović T. Cervical Human papillomavirus infection
PCR, gel electrophoresis for visualization of the PCR in Serbia: risk factors, prevalence and genotype
product and genotyping of HPV using direct DNA distribution in women with normal cervical cytology.
sequencing method.
Arch Biol Sci 2012; 64(4): 1277-1283.
[2] Molijn A, Kleter B, Quint W, Van Doorn LJ.
Molecular diagnosis of human papillomavirus (HPV)
Out of 24 analyzed cervical cancer tissues the presence infections. J Clin Virol 2005; 32S:S43-S51.
of HPV DNA was demonstrated in 70,83% samples. [3] Baseman J.G., Koutsky L.A. The epidemiology of
Genotyping revealed the presence of 6 HPV types 16, human papillomavirus infections. J Clin Vir 2005; S16-
18, 33, 45, 53 and 58. The most frequent genotype was
HPV 16 (70,5%). S24
The results of this study and further research will
provide more detailed informations about the
distribution of HPV genotypes in cervical cancer tissues
of women in our population. These informations can be
very useful in cervical cancer prevention.