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Effect of strawberry extract on hydrogen peroxide induced DNA damages

                             Regional Center for Talented YouthBelgrade II, Ustanička 64, Belgrade, Serbia


          Strawberries  (Fragariaananassa,  Dutch)  are  common  and
          important fruit due to their high content of essential nutrient
          and beneficial phytochemicals which seem to have relevant
          biological activity on human health. Recent research shows
          that  strawberry  extracts  identify  as  efficient  antioxidative
          agents against increased level of oxidative stress [1,2]. In
          order to understand the mechanism of the effects, but also
          to determine their effects on human health, it is necessary to
          investigate  the  impact  of  the  strawberry  in  appropriate
          systems. It is known that DNA is highly sensible when it
          comes to oxidative stress in comparing to other molecules   Fig 1. Effect of different concentrations of strawberry
          and numerous references show that DNA damages induced          extract on the level of DNA damage
          by  oxidative  stress  can  influence  the  development  of
          chronicle diseases and cancer [3].Hydrogen peroxide is an   Although,  all  investigated  concentrations  of  strawberry
          agent  that  causes  damages,  one-chained  and  two-chained   extract decreased the level of DNA damages, only the con-
          breaks on DNA molecules.The objective of the work is to   centration  of  0.1 mg/mL  showed  the  statistically  relevant
          investigate the effect of a strawberry extract in attenuation   effect  (Fig  2).  The  lack  of  dose  dependant  effect  of  the
          of DNA damages induced by hydrogen peroxide in human   extract  implies  that  there  is  a  concentration  with  the  best
          lymphocytes,  as  well  as  observing  the  existence  of  dose   effect. According to that, the concentration of 0.1 mg/mL
          dependency  in  order  to  determine  the  optimal   represents  the  optimal  concentration  in  described
          concentration.                                       experimental conditions.


          The  metanolic,  polyphenolic-rich  strawberry  extract  was
          obtained from Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Ita-
          ly. The level of DNA damages in treated cells is determined
          by the electrophoresis of single cells, known as the Comet
          test method [4], which is widely used in similar research.
          Firstly, the strawberry extract was tested on its genotoxicity
          potential, or in other words its ability to cause damages on
          the  DNA  molecule.  Peripheral  blood  leukocytes  from  six
          young  and  healthy  volunteers  were  treated  in  vitro  with
          different  concentrations  (from  lowest  to  highest:0.025,   Fig 2. Effect of different concentrations of strawberry
          0.05, 0.1, 0.125,  0.15,  0.2  mg/mL)  for  30  minutes  before   extract (SE) decreased the level of DNA damages by H 2 O 2
          measuring the level of DNA damages in treated cells.
          After that, in order to investigate the antigenotoxic effect of
          the strawberry extract, the same cell samples were treated   Conclusions
          were treated in vitro with hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes
          before  the  in  vitro  treatment  with  the  strawberry  extract   These obtained results confirm that the  strawberry extract
          (concentrations  of  0.025,  0.05,  0.1,  0.125,  0.15,  0.2   does  have  genoprotective  and  antioxidative  properties,
          mg/mL)and  the  incubation  for  30  minutes.  The  control   which makes it recommendable for use and suggests further
          group were the cells treated only with hydrogen peroxide.   research on the mechanism of its effects.

          Results                                              References

          The  results  after  investigating  the  potential  genotoxcity   [1]  Giampieri F, et al.,Nat ProdRes. 2013;27(4-5):448-55.
          show that the strawberry extract does not increase the level   [2]  Basu A, et al.,Crit Rev Food SciNutr. 2014;54(6):790-
          of DNA damages in described conditions (Fig. 1).         806
          The strawberry extract significantly attenuated the induced   [3]  Khansari N, et al.,Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug
          DNA  damages  in  comparison  with  the  control  group,   Discov. 2009;3(1):73-80.
          according  to  the  obtained  results,  which  implies  that  it   [4]  Singh NP, et al.,Exp Cell Res. 1988;175(1):184-91
          exerts genoprotective properties.
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