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Ravna gora movement as the holder of yugoslav resistance in Second world war
Filip Pejković
Center for yough talente Belgrade II, Belgrade,
1. The purpose and goal of the research occupying forces, deprivation of civil, human and due
process rights, and so on. In any case, you can not
Ridicule and often falsifying history of Ravna Gora deny that Ravna Gora movement played a leading role
movement, which lasted more than seven decades, in the fight against the invaders on the territory of the
and the public statements of individuals or groups Kingdom of Yugoslavia, since it is the first serious
during the breakup of Yugoslavia, led to the fact that armed uprising began even in the whole of Europe.
this topic is compromised by the widest public, which
resulted in a lack of quality literature. Therefore it was 5. Literatura
necessary to make a thorough historical analysis with 1. Перо Симић, Дража – смрт дужа од
the help of testimony by people of that time, in order живота, Службени гласник, Београд
to come to a views history of Ravna Gora movement. 2012.
2. Мр Радован Калабић, Равногорска
2. The applied methods историја, ИКП Евро, Париз 1992.
3. Žarko Jokanović, Jovanka Broz: Moj život,
With critical analysis of literature, we tried to avoid moja istina – od rođenja do bolničkih dana,
all information that are the result of post-war Beograd 2013.
propaganda, ideological opponents, as well as the 4. Luka Mičeta, Povratak kralja, Laguna,
obvious sympathy of some authors that are diverted Beograd 2013.
from the objective research. It should be noted that the 5. Александар Ранковић, Дневничке
basis for this study were taken two books: забелешке, Југословенска књига, Београд
''Ravnogorska istorija'' written by Radovan Kalabić 2001.
and ''Draža - the death of more than life '' by Pero 6. Oto Skorceni, Specijalna misija, Algoritam,
Simić, but if necessary used chronology, memoirs and Beograd 2009.
other publications. 7. Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda
. Jugoslavije 1941-1945, Vojnoistorijski
3. Results institut, Beograd 1964.
Fundamental research led to the conclusion that
members of the Ravna Gora Movement had antipode
of that screened during the rule of the socialist regime
in Yugoslavia. Although not presented any new
information, we've met with a lot unsaid facts about
the role of the anti-fascist movement during World
War II , but also of his superiors in which we counted
the names of exemplary officers, soldiers and host.
4. Conclusion
Ravna Gora movement enjoyed the support in allied
circles, while the glory of its leaders wrote praises and
making films in the United States. However, the major
political agreements are this resistance put on the
margin of War diplomacy, although his combat not
lose intensity. Unfair treatment toward members
Ravna Gora movement spanning seven decades, as
can be seen from the manner in which they were
prosecuted on charges of collaboration with the