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P. 58
Filip Bošković
Zemunska gimnazija, Zemun,
Chart 2. The dependence of the the energy consumption of the
current density at different temperatures(6M KOH+ionic activator)
1. The purpose of the investigation
If the price of crude oil, which is growing rapidly in recent years, is
any indicator, it is clear that we are at the beginning of the energy
crisis, and we witness the end of cheap and abundant
energy.Hydrogen is an energy medium of the future, which will
probably replace slowly disappearing, fossil fuels.Its use does not
pollute the environment as a product of its use for energy,
water.Development in the field of electrolysis, leading to the
reduction of energy consumption in the production of hydrogen.The
aim of the research is to examine the possibilities of saving energy
during electrolytic hydrogen separation from alkaline solutions by It can be seen that the electricity consumption increases with
adding so-called. ion activators in the electrolyte.
2. Methods of the investigation
In this experiment cobalt complex was examined, tris
(ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) ion, as the ionic activator.The
apparatus made at the "Vinca" was used, which consists of
electrolytic cells, galvanostat, specially designed containers to
capture the separated hydrogen, system for temperature increasing of the current density of the basic electrolyte with and
maintenance and measuring devices.To maintain the desired without ionic activators. At higher temperatures, electricity
tempterature a water thermostat was used.Both electrodes were consumption decreases, and therefore waslowest energy at a
made of nickel. The experiments were carried out so that using a temperature of 70 C (343K). When adding ionic activators in the
galvanostat to task specific current, for which then measures the basic electrolyte solution electricity consumption drops
voltage and time separation.During the work 6M KOH was used as significantlyand that was proved the hypothesis presented in the
the basic electrolyte, and examination consumption of energy were paper.SEM images of coating of the electrode after electrolysis
performed by adjusting the electric current and the temperature, showed nodular structure of sediment greater active surface area
first in the solution of basic electrolyte and then adding the ionic compared to pure nickel electrode.
activators to the basic electrolyte solution.SEM was used for
obtaining the images of electrodes (before and after the electrolysis 4. Conclusion
Showed that the total energy of the electrolysis process decreases
3. Results with increasing temperature. For higher current density, power
consumption is higher. The application of energy obtained per mole
The consumed energy was calculated by the of hydrogen reduced by 11% with the addition of ionic activators
formulaQ U I t . The results will be presented graphically as compared with conventional electrolyte. During the in situ use of
Q = f (j) i Q = f (j,T), where is j current density (j = I/S, S ionic activators produced a nice black deposit on the surface of Ni
represents the total area of the electrode).Using the results of cathode, which has a very developed area with uniformly
measurements graphics were done, depending on the energy distributed pores and a large number of possible active sites.
consumption per 1 mol of electrolytically separated hydrogen on Ni
cathode, of the current density at different
temperatures: a) basic electrolitand b)ionic activatorbased othe
complex of [Co (en) 3] Cl3 inthe basic electrolyte.
Chart 1. The dependence of the the energy consumption of the
current density at different temperatures (6M KOH)