Page 137 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 137
Anika Vuĉićević – OŠ „RuĊer Bošković“, VIII razred
Mentori: Aleksandra Dimić i Milan Prokić
Tamna materija
Tokom vekova, ljudi su mislili da je Zemlja centar univerzuma. Kako je vreme prolazilo,
saznali smo da se Zemlja okreće oko Sunca koje se, zajedno sa drugim zvezdama okreće oko
centra naše galaksije, Mlečnog puta. Kad je Edvin Habl zaključio da naša galaksija nije jedina u
celoj vasioni, učinjeni su pionirski koraci ka otkrivanju našeg univerzuma.
Koliko je star univerzum, koliko je velik? To su neka od prvih pitanja koja bi nekome pala na
pamet. Ali od čega je sastavljen, nije nešto što bi običnom čoveku prvo palo na pamet.
Univerzum koji mi vidimo je sastavljen od galaksija, zvezda, planeta itd. Ali šta drži sve to
zajedno? Tokom 70-ih i 80-ih godina dokazano je da postoji mnogo više od toga. To nešto što je
nedostajalo naučnici su nazvali tamna materija. Šta je tamna materija i zašto je tako važna biće
objašnjeno u ovom radu.
Ključne reči: tamna materija, galaksija, univerzum, gravitacija, WIMP.
Dark Matter
Over the centuries, people thought the Earth was the center of the universe. As the centuries
went by, we learned that the Earth rotates around the Sun, which rotates together with the other
stars around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. When Edwin Hubble found that our galaxy
is not the only one in the whole universe, first steps toward discovering our universe were made.
How old is the universe, how big is it? These are some of the first questions that someone
could think off. But what is it made off, is not something an ordinary person would think off. The
universe that we see is made of galaxies, stars, planets and so on. But what holds all that
together? During the '70s and '80s it was proved that there is much more than that. That
something that was missing scientists named dark matter. What is dark matter and why is it so
important will be explained in this paper.
Key words: dark matter, galaxies, the universe, gravity, WIMP.