Page 135 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 135


                                          OPTICAL PHENOMENA AT SUNSET

               Autor: TEODORA  RISTOSKI Učenica VIII razreda  OŠ ”Karađorđe”, Beograd

               Mentor: ALEKSANDRA DIMID, dipl.fizičar    Fizički fakultet Beograd


               Sunčeva svetlost predstavlja mešavinu svetlosti svih boja. Atmosfera sadrži mnoge čestice zraka, prašine,
               vodene pare i nečistode. Kada svetlost prolazi kroz atmosferu, spomenute čestice rasipaju različite boje.
               Pri zalasku sunca do našeg oka stiže svetlost sa najvedim talasnim dužinama (crvena i žuta) pošto se takva
               svetlost  najmanje  rasejava.  Da  bi  objasnili  rasejanje  svetlosti  izveli  smo  Tindalov  eksperiment    u  cilju
               otkrivanja zavisnosti propuštene svetlosti i njenog rasejanja u odnosu na talasnu dužinu. Propuštanjem
               svetlosti kroz koloidni sistem (mleko i destilovana voda), dolazi do rasejanja svetlosti u svim pravcima na
               koloidnim  česticama.  Što  je  koloidni  sistem  gušdi,  vede  je  rasejanje  svetlosti.  Ovde  se  primeduje  da
               svetlosni zraci kradih talasnih dužina bivaju bolje rasejani,  pa boja rasejanog svetla dobija plave nijanse.
               Najviše se rasejavaju talasi kratkih talasnih dužina.  Rezultati su prikazani kroz sumiranje i interpretaciju
               prethodnih saznanja i zaključaka do kojih se došlo istraživanjem.

               Ključne reči: Rasejanje, refleksija, zalazak Sunca


               Sunlight is the mixture of light of all colors. Atmosphere contains numerous particles of air, dust, aerated
               water and impurities. When light penetrates the atmosphere, the mentioned particles scatter different
               colors. At Sunset, the light that reaches our eye has the highest wavelength (red and yellow), since this
               type of light disseminates the least.  The Tyndall experiment was conducted in order to explain light
               dissemination: the goal is to reveal the connection between transmitted light and light dissemination in
               relation to wavelengths. When light passes through a colloidal system (milk and distilled water), the light
               dissipates in all directions on colloidal particles. The more dense a system, the greater light dissipation.
               The experiment revealed that light rays having shorter wavelengths are better dissipated, which means
               that the color of the dissipated light gets bluish shades. The waves with short wavelengths dissipate the
               most. The presented results are based on the summary and interpretation of the acquired knowledge
               and conclusions provided by this research.

               Key words: Scattering, Reflection, Sunset
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