Page 136 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 136
VII razred OŠ,,Josif Pančić’’ Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
Mentor: ALEKSANDRA DIMIĆ Fizički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Svemir je sva materija koja postoji i sav prostor u kojem se neprekidno odvijaju različiti procesi.Deo
svemira koji je vidljiv ili ispitan uglavnom se naziva poznati svemir ili vidljivi svemir. Pošto širenje
(inflacija) svemira uklanja iz našeg vidokruga njegov ogroman deo, vedina kosmologa prihvata stanovište
da je nemogude posmatrati ceo svemir.Najvažniji rezultat fizičke kosmologije, saznanje da se svemir širi,
izveden je iz posmatranja crvenog pomaka uobličenog u Hablov zakon.Ekstrapolacijom tog širenja po
vremenu, nazad u prošlost, dostiže se gravitacioni singularitet, prilično apstraktan matematički koncept,
koji možda odgovara, a možda i ne odgovara stvarnosti.Iz toga je izvedena teorija Velikog praska, koja je
danas preovlađujudi model svemira.Za posmatrače na Zemlji postoji definisan svojevrsni horizont vasione
koji je od nas podjednako udaljen u svim pravcima.Po danas usvojenoj interpretaciji postojanje ove
granice vasione posledica je njenog širenja.Na osnovu ovoga formulisan je Hablov zakon, koji kaže da je
brzina kojom se data galaksija udaljava od nas srazmerna njenoj trenutnoj udaljenosti.U početnom
trenutku ove faze širenja morao je da se odigra neki proces koji je materiji saopštio početne nivoe koje i
danas opažamo. Taj proces nazivamo Veliki prasak.Jedna od teorija glasi da se galaksije udaljavaju jedne
od drugih, sto nam govori da su galaksije međusobno nakada bile mnogo bliže nego danas.
Ključne reči: širenje svemira, Hablov zakon, svemir, veliki prasak, crveni pomak, vasiona
The universe is all matter that exists and all the space in which the different processes are taking place
continuously. The part of the universe that is visible or tested generally referred to as known universe or the visible
universe.Since the expansion (inflation) of the universe seems toremove from our sight the huge part of it,the
most cosmologists accept the point of view that it is impossible to observe the entire universe.The most important
result of the physical cosmology, the knowledge that the universe is in process of the expanding, is derived from
the observation redshift which is streamlined by the Hubble law.Through the extrapolation of the expansion in
time, back to the past, the gravitational singularity is reached, a rather abstract mathematical concept, which
might correspond and may not correspond, to the reality.From this the theory of the Big Bang is derived, which is
now the dominant model of the universe. For the observers on the Earth, there is a defined sort of horizont of the
universe, which is equally distant from all of us in all directions. The nowadays adopted interpretation says that the
existence of the border of the universe is the result of its expansion. On this basis Hubble lawis formulated and it
says that the speed of which the certain galaxieis moving away from us is proportional to its current distance. At
the mere initial moment of this phase of the expansion of the universe, some process must have been happened
which announce the mattery instructions of the initial levels, which we observe even today.This process is called
the Big Bang.One theory is that the galaxies are moving away from each anotherand this tells us that the galaxies
used to be much more closer one to another than they are now.
Keywords: expansion of the universe, Hubble's law, the universe, the Big Bang, the redshift, the universe.