Page 131 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 131


                                THE BROWN DWARFS (THE DWARFS IN GENERAL )

               ANJA NEDELJKOVIĆ VIII razred O.Š. ,,Josif Pančić’’
               DIMIĆDiplomirani fizičar


               Mnogi objekti u kosmosu koji su suviše hladni i slabog sjaja, da bi bili registrovani u vidljivoj svetlosti
               mogu se sa lakoćom uočiti u infracrvenoj oblasti. Takvi objekti su hladne zvezde, oblaci i čestice oko
               zvezda, magline, braon patuljci  i planete.

               Univerzum je jedan veoma širok pojam, a zvezde su samo mali deo tog, nama nepoznatog prostora. Braon
               patuljci čine još manji skup i veoma se malo zna o njima. To su ”nesuđene” zvezde (” zvezde u pokušaju”
               ); u njihovim jezgrima nije postojala gustina materije potrebna za otpočinjanje nuklearne fuzije.

               Po  izjavi  naučnika  Mejna,  braon  patuljci su  slaba  veza    između  velikih  planeta  poput Jupitera i  malih
               zvezda, kao što su crveni patuljci. Braon patuljci su nedovoljno istraženi i predstavljaju jedan od izazova
               moderne astrofizike.

               Kljuĉne reĉi: braon patuljci, zvezde, ostali patuljci, temperatura, masa, jezgro .


               Many objects in the Cosmos that are too cold and faint to be registered in the visible light and they can be
               easily observed in the infrared field. Such phenomena are called cold stars, clouds and particles around
               stars, nebule, brown dwarfs and planets.

               The Universe is  a very broad term, and the stars are just a small part of it, and the space is actually
               unknown to human kind. Brown dwarfs are pretty unknown group and  we know very little about that
               physical appearance. They are called ,, the stars in the attempt " because in their cores there are  not enough
               density of matter, which is required for the process of initiation of the nuclear fusion.

               Accordin to the statement of the scientist Maine the  brown dwarfs are weak link between large planets
               like  Jupiter  and  small  stars  such  as  red  dwarfs. Keywords:  brown  dwarfs,  stars,  the  other  dwarfs,
               temperature, mass, core .
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