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P. 255

                                                THE BATTLE OF MARICA

     Autor: IVAN VELIMIROVIĆ  VII/1 OŠ,,Ivo Lola Ribar“
     Mentor: VLADIMIR DUJKOVIĆ profesor istorije i saradnik Regionalnog centra za talente Beograd


             Bitka na Marici se odigrala ranog jutra 26 septembra 1371 godine kod Ĉernomena na obali reke
     Marice.U  bitci  su  uĉestvovale  vojske  srpskog  kralja  Vukašina  i  njegovog  brata  despota  Jovana
     Uglješe  protiv  osmanlijske  vojske  voĊene  rumelijskim  begler-begom  Lala  Šahinom.  Iako  brojno

     mnogo jaĉa od osmanlijske vojske, srpska vojska je pretrpela krvav poraz. Oba srpska velikaša su
     poginula u bitci a srpska vojska je poubijana i rasterana. Ova bitka ne predstavlja samo jedan od
     najtragiĉnijh dogaĊaja u srpskoj istoriji već predstavlja i poĉetak turskih osvajanja teritorija kojima

     je vladao srpski car Dušan i njihovo prodiranje na ceo Balkan.

     Kljuĉne reĉi: bitka na Marici, pogibija Srba, kralj Vukašin, posledice bitke na Marici.


            The battle of the Marica river occurred in the early morning of September 26 , 1371, near the
     village of Cernomen, on the banks of the river Marica. The armies commanded by the Serbian king
     Vukasin and his brother Despot Jovan Ugljesa faced the Ottoman army of Beylerbey of Rumelia,
     Lala Shahin. Although the Serbian army outnumbered the Ottoman, it suffered a bloody defeat. Both

     Serbian commanders were killed during the battle and the soldiers were executed and dispersed. This
     battle  is  not  only  one  of  the  most  tragic  events  but  it  also  represents  the  beginning  of  Turkish
     conquest of the territories by the Serbian emperor Dusan and their progress into the entire territory of

     the Balkans.

     Key words: battle of the Marica river, killing of the serbs, king Vukasin, consequences of the battle
     of the Marica river.
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