Page 260 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 260
Autor:Jovana Vlajković, uĉenica 8. razreda osnovne škole ,,Kosta Abrašević”
Mentor:Goran Dujković, profesor ; Bojana Stevanović, nastavnica istorije u OŠ ,,Kosta Abrašević”
U mnogim legendama,priĉama Vikinzi su predstavljeni samo kao hrabri,surovi ratnici sa severa koji
su sa svojim drakarima širili strah i trepet Evropom,a kasnije i drugim delovima planete. Ali to je
samo deo istorijske istine o Vikinzima. Oni su osim ratnika bili i ribari, trgovci, istraţivaĉi.
Cilj rada je pre svega bio da se prikaţe svakodnevni ţivot Vikinga, uz obraćanje paţnje na istoriju i
Kljucne reci: Vikinzi, svakodnevni ţivot, Skandinavija
In many legends, stories, Vikings are presented just as brave, brutal warriors from the North, that
with their Drakars spread fear and terror in Europe, and over the years in other parts of the planet.
But that is only just a part of historical truth about Vikings. Besides being warriors, they were
fishermen, merchants and explorers.
Aim of this work above of all was to show everyday life of Vikings, but it is also paying attention on
history and warfare.
Key word: Vikings, everyday life, Scandinavia