Page 265 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 265

                                                THE WARS OF THE ROSES

      Autor  Jovana Vlajković, uĉenica 7. razreda osnovne škole ,,Kosta Abrašević”
      Mentor Dr Stanoje Bojanin, Vizantološki institute SANU Bojana Stevanović, nastavnica istorije u
     OŠ ,,Kosta Abrašević

     U drugoj polovini petnaestog veka u Engleskoj je poĉeo niz sukoba koji su prerasli u graĊanski rat.
     Taj rat je bio poznat pod nazivom Ratovi ruţa koji je bio voĊen izmeĊu dve plemićke porodice, Jork

     i Lankaster. Obe porodice su bile u srodstvu sa kraljevskom kućom i ţelele su da se domognu krune.
     Ali, oni su samim tim podelili englesko društvo, posebno njegove najviše slojeve.

     Kljuĉne reĉi: graĊanski rat, Engleska, Lankaster, Jork, Tjudor


     In the second half of the fifteenth century in England started a series of conflicts that grew into a

     civil war. This war is known by the name Wars of the roses. The war was fought between two noble
     families, York and Lancaster, and both of them were related to the royal family. Those families tried
     to  seize  the  crown  and  with  that  act  they  divided  the  English  society,  especially  its  most  upper


     Key words: civil war, England, Lancaster, York and Tudor families
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