Page 266 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 266

                                  THE REGIN OF EMPEROR STEFAN DUSAN (1331-1355)

     Ученик: Dusan Savic VII-3 OS “Pavle Popovic”
     Ментор: dr Stanoje Bojanin Vizantoloski institut SANU


            Car  Stefan  Dusan  bio  je  sin  i  prestolonaslednik  Stefana  Decanskog.  On  je  potomak  loze
     Nemanjica. Tokom njegove vladavine  Srbija je bila na vrhuncu moci. Do tada arhiepiskopija, srpska
     crkva  postala  je  patrijarsija.  Kraljevsku  krunu  koju  je  nasledio  od  svog  oca,  jos  krunisanjem  za
     mladog kralja, zamenio je carskom. Doneo je Dusanov zakonik i znacajno prosirio drzavnu teritoriju.

            Kljucne  reci:  Car  Stefan  Dusan,  Stefan  Decanski,  carstvo,  Nemanjici,  Dusanov  zakonik,


            Emperor Stefan Dusan was the son of the Crown Prince Stefan of Decani. He is a descendant
     of Nemanjić. During his rule, Serbia was at its peak. Until then Archdiocese, the Serbian Church
     became the Patriarchate. Royal crown which he inherited from his father, even for the coronation of
     the  young  king,  replaced  the  imperial.  He  brought  Dusan's  Code  and  significantly  expanded  its
     national territory.

            Key  words:  Emperor  Stefan  Dusan,  Stefan  of  Decani,  empire,  Nemanjici,  Dushan's  Code,

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