Page 271 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 271

                                             TEMPLARS: WARRIOR MONKS

     Autor: MARTA MILANOVIĆ, OŠ “Starina Novak“, VIII ,
     Mentor: dr STANOJE BOJANIN, Istorijski institut, Beograd

     Posle Prvog krstaškog pohoda i osvajanja Jerusalima od strane hrišćana, u XII veku osnovan je red templara
     ĉiji je primarni cilj bilo zaštita hodoĉasnika. Stvoreni kao viteško monaško bratstvo, sastavljeno od devet
     ĉlanova,  vremenom  su  postali  elitna  vojna  jedinica,  a  biti  njihov  ĉlan  bila  je  privilegija  i  stvar  prestiţa.
     Osnovni principi kojima su se vladali bili su: vera u Hrista, sloga, bratstvo, siromaštvo… Tokom skoro dva
     veka  svog  postojanja  templari  su  postali  najmoćnija  sila  u  poznatom  svetu.  Uĉestvovali  su  u  odbarani
     hrišćanskih evropskih zemalja i osvajanju mnogobrojnih gradova na azijskom i afriĉkom kontinentu i na taj
     naĉin proširili hrišćanske teritorije. Po privilegijama koje su im date, nalazili su se iznad većine evropskih
     kraljeva. Odgovarali su jedino njegovoj svetosti, vrhovnom pastiru i biskupu Rima, papi. Osim kao vojna,
     istakli su se kao i finansijska sila, koja je sa moćnim novĉanim resursima obavljala i bankarske usluge, kao
     što je pozajmljivanje sredstava, a bili su i zaĉetnici transfera novca. Sve ovo im je omogućilo da postanu i
     ĉuveni  graditelji,  koji  su  sazidali  grobnicu  Baldvina  IV  u  Jerusalimskoj  kraljevini,  templarsku  crkvu  u
     Londonu,  Roslin  kapelu  u  Škotskoj…  U  svom  vlasništvu  su  imali  mnogobrojne  posede  širom  Evrope  i
     Prekomorskog kraljevstva. Postoje brojne pretpostavke o razlozima raspuštanja ovog reda. Neki veruju da su
     se zamerili kralju sa finansijskim problemima, a drugi da su bili ĉuvari jedne velike tajne, koja je mogla
     uništiti osnove hrišćanskog verovanja i moć srednjovekovne crkve. Istinu, verovatno, nikada u potpunosti
     nećemo saznati.


     After  Jerusalem  had  been  conquered  in  the  first  Crusade  by  the  Christians,  an  order  of  Templars  was
     founded with a primary aim to protect the pilgrims. Originally a chivalric monastic brotherhood composed
     of  nine  members,  they  grew  into  an  elite  military  unit  over  time  and  membership  of  their  order  was  a
     privilege and a matter of prestige. Their main governing principles were: faith in Christ, unity, brotherhood,
     poverty... In almost two century of their existence Templars became the most powerful combat force in the
     known world. They participated in the defence of Christian European countries and in conquering many
     cities in Asia and Africa and in doing so expanded Christian territories. They enjoyed the privileges that
     exceeded those of most European kings. They were only responsible to His Holiness, the supreme shepherd
     and Archbishop of Rome, the Pope. Apart from the military force, they were also noted for their financial
     power and used their great resources of money to provide banking services, such as lending. They were also
     the pioneers of money transfer. All this enabled them to become famous builders who built the tomb of
     Baldwin IV in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Templar Church in London, Roslyn Chapel in Scotland...
     They owned numerous fiefs throughout Europe and Outremer. Assumptions abound as to why this order was
     disbanded. Some believe they had an argument with the King over financial issues while others believe they
     were guardians of a great secret that might have destroyed the foundation of Christian belief and the power
     of medieval church. The whole truth will probably never be known.

     Kljuĉne  reĉi:  templari,  ratnici  monasi,  veliki  majstor,  Jerusalim,  Prekomorsko  kraljevstvo,  hrišćani,

     Key words: Templars, warrior monks, great master, Jerusalem, Outremer, Christians, Muslims...
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