Page 272 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 272

                                        MAY THE CULTURE OF CIVILIZATIONS

     Autor:TATJANA ARGAKIJEV, uĉenica sedmog razreda OŠ „KaraĊorĊe“
     Mentor:DR STANOJE BOJANIN, Istorijski institut u Beogradu


                Kultura i obiĉaji Maja od velikog su istorijskog znaĉaja. Prouĉavajući civilizaciju  Maja
     pred nama se otvara neobiĉan svet sasvim drugaĉije kulture, verskih obiĉaja, rituala. Njihov sloţeni
     kalendar i danas izaziva paţnju struĉne javnosti.

                Kluĉne reĉi: Maje, kalendar, matematika, pismo, vera.


                Culture and customs of the Maya of great historical significance. By studying the Mayan

     civilization before us it open a strange world of very different culture, religius customs and rituals.
     Their complex calendar still causing the attention of experts.

                  Key words: Maya, calendar, mathematics, letter, religion
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