Page 277 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 277

                       THE KHEDIVATE OF EGYPT IN THE JAWS OF IMPERIALISM (1867 – 1914)
     Autor :VASKO KELIĆ, VIII razred OŠ ,,Kralj Petar Prvi" Beograd
     Mentor  dr STANOJE BOJANIN Vizantološki institutu SANU


               Period istorije druge polovine XIX  i poĉetka XX veka ove severnoafriĉke zemlje  manje  je
     poznat  široj,  nenauĉnoj  javnosti.  Obeleţena  sukobima  pretenzija  meĊu  velikim  silama,  ova  era
     egipatske prošlosti predstavlja jednu drugu dimenziju Istočnog pitanja koja je manje istraţivana na
     našim prostorima, za razliku od one evropske. Ove ĉinjenice podstakle su me da napišem ovo delo

     koje će, nadam se, uspeti da doĉara stanje u egipatskoj ,,drţavi“ u doba imperijalistiĉkog poretka u

     Kljuĉne reĉi:  Kedivat, Egipat, imperijalizam, okupacija, Velika Britanija, prelazno doba


               The period of history of the second half of nineteenth and early twentieth century of this North
     African country is less known for general, unscientific public. Marked by conflicts of pretensions

     among great powers, this era of Egyptian past is another dimension of Eastern question which is less
     researched in our region, unlike the European one. These facts have spurred me to write this work
     which will, hopefully, be able to portray a situation in Egyptian ,,state“ in age of imperialistic system
     in world.

     Key words:  Khedivate, Egypt, imperialism, occupation, Great Britain, age of transition
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