Page 258 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 258
Autor: Milica Borisavljevic Osnovna skola „Vuk Karadzic‟ Sremcica
Mentor: Goran Djukovic
Prvi srpski ustanak (1804-1813)godine je podignut kao prikaz nezadovoljstva srpskog naroda
.U zelji da se izbore za svoja prava podigli su ustanak koji je trajao devet godinai devet meseci
ratovanja Protiv turske vojske.Nakon toga (1804) s pocetkom ustanka pokrenuta je i Srpska
revolucija .Vodja ili (vozd)ustanka bio je Crni Djordje ili kara Djordje Petrovic (kako su ga turci
zvali zbog reci crn koja bi s prevodom na turski jezik bila kara tj. crna boja.)Pored njega u ovom
ustanku su se isticali I hajduk Veljko Petrovic,Jakov Nenadovic,Mladen Milovanovic,Janko
Katic,prota Mateja Nenadovic,Vasa Carapic,Ilija Bircanin I Luka Lazarevic.Srbi su u pocetku bili
bezsaveznika da bi potom crnogorski vladika Petar I I pocetkom 1803. godine pisao ruskom caru ali
onje odbijao zahtev za pomoc jer je bio u saveznistvu Sa Turskom pa je Srbija postala 2. zemlja na
svetu koja je ukinula feudalni poredak I organizovala Nacionalnu drzavu I otvorena vrata slobodnoj
prodaji I trgovini. Beograd je postao glavni grad I vec imao uredjen magistrat (opstina sa sudstvom)I
iz njega su vodjena dalja osvajanja ,dalji tok revolucije I oslobodjenja Srbije.
Kljucne reci:Ustanak,Vozd,Bitka,Oslobodjenje
First Serbian Uprising (1804-1813) was erected to show dissatisfaction of the Serbian people.
Wanting to fight for their rights, they raised the uprising, which lasted nine years and nine months.
They fought against Turkish army. Serbian revolution also began at that time. The leader (or “vozd
“in Turkish) of the uprising was Black George or Kara Djordje Petrovic (“kara” in Turkish means
“black” in English). Besides him, some of the most prominent people in this uprising were: Hajduk
(brigand) Veljko Petrovic,Jakov nenadovic , Mladen Milovanovic , Janko Katic , Prota
(archpriest)Mateja Nenadovic , Vasa Carapic, Ilija Bircanin and Luka Lazarevic. Serbs were initially
without allies, but in 1803. Montenegrin Prince, Bishop Petar II, wrote to Russian Emperor asking
for help, but the emperor refused that request, because at that time his counrty was in alliance with
Turkey. Serbia became the second country in the world which abolished the feudal order and which
organized National state. That brought benefits to free market and trade. Belgrade became the capital
city with already arranged magistrate (municipalities and the judiciary). Belgrade was the place from
which further conquests started and the place where the further course of the revolution and
liberation of Serbia was developed.
Key Words:Uprising,Leader,Battle,Liberation