Page 400 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 400


                                    YELLOW GENTIAN- SERBIAN ENDEMIC SPECIES

               Autor:  VALENTINA MILOVANOVID, ufenica 8. razreda OŠ „ Filip Filipovid“

               Mentor: prof. GORDANA PETKOVID


                      Žuta  lincura  je  jedna  od  najugroženijih  endemifnih  vrsta  u  Srbiji.  Od  vremena  starih
               civilizacija poznata su lekovita svojstva ove biljke. Danas žuta lincura  predstavlja veoma važnu
               sirovnu  u  farmakologiji.  Nekada  široko  rasprostranjeno  stanište  na  planinama  Balkanskog
               poluostrva  danas  biva  izloženo  potpunom  izumiranju,   najvedim  delom  kroz  nepropisnu  i
               nesavesnu eksploataciju. Cilj ovog rada je da istakne znafajnost ove biljke, kao i  stepen njene
               ugroženosti.  Svako  pozitivno  delovanje  može  preventivno  uticati  na  njeno  ofuvanje.  Rešenje
               ovog  problema  je  prvenstveno  u  edukaciji  o  znafaju  ove  biljne  vrste  i  njenom  pravilnom
               korišdenju, kao i u sprefavanju bespotrebne eksploatacije primenom i poštovanjem  zakonskih

               Ključne reči: Žuta lincura, endemizam, lekovita biljka, ugroženost, zaštita biljne vrste.


                      Yellow Gentian is one of the most endangered endemic species in Serbia. From the time
               of ancient civilizations are known medicinal properties of this plant. Today yellow gentian is a
               very important raw material  in pharmacology. Once widespread habitat in the mountains of

               the  Balkan  Peninsula  today  is  being  subjected  to  complete  extinction,  largely  through  the
               exploitation of improper and abusive labor. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance
               of this plant, as well as its degree of vulnerability. Any positive preventive action can affect its
               preservation. The solution to this problem is primarily to educate about the importance of this
               species  and  its  proper  use  as  well  as  in  the  prevention  of  unnecessary  exploitation  of  the
               application and observance of legal regulations.

               Key words: Yellow Gentian, endemism, medicinal plant, vulnerability, protection of plant

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