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P. 399



               MARINA ANASTASOV, Ufenica VIII razredaOsnovneškole,,BoškoPalkovljevidPinki“

               Mentor: SandaGvozdenovid


                           Elanovi  roda  Aeromonas  su  koloformne,  fakultativno  anaerobne  i  oksidaza  pozitivne  bakterije.
               Zbog  nedostatka  pripadnosti  izmeĊu  patogenih  i  genotipskih  karakteristika  vrste,  elanove  roda
               Aeromonas  teško  je  karakterisati  kao  patogene  ili  genotipske  bakterije.  Mogu  se  pronadi  u  raznim
               vodenim  sredinama  (podzemne  vode,    površinske  vode,  vode  estuara  i  marina,  pijada  voda,  otpadne
               vode...)  i  u  hrani.  Zbog  njihovog  stalnog  prisustva  u  vodi  mogu  prouzrokovati  razna  oboljenja  riba,  a
               samim tim i eoveka. Da bismo dokazali njihovu prisutnost u vodi dva puta smo ispitivali vodu Dunava gde
               se ispušta otpadna voda iz kolektora vodovoda Banovci-Dunav.  Prvi put smo ispitivali uzorak vode pre
               ispuštanja otpadne vode iz kolektora, drugi put uzorak vode posle ispštanja otpadne vode iz kolektora. U
               ispitivanju uzoraka vode,  vršene su tri vrste ispitivanja : mikrobiološka ispitivanja vode, fizieko-hemijska
               ispitivanja vode i ispitivanje metala iz vode. Ispitivanja su vršena 11.12.2014. u 12:00 sati metodama koje
               koristi  JKP  VODOVOD  I  KANALIZACIJA  jp-STARA  PAZOVA.  Na  osnovu  dobijenih  rezultata  analize,
               dokazano je da postoji 1100 cfu/100ml koloformnih bakterija pre izlivanja otpadne vode iz kolektora u
               Dunav i 1000 cfu/100ml koliformnih bakterija posle izlivanja otpadne vode izkolektora u Dunav.

               Ključne reči: Aeromonas, patogene bakterije, kolektor, koliformne bakterije.


                                Members  of  the  genus  Aeromonas  are  coliform,  facultative  anaerobic  and  oxidase  positive
               bacteria. Due to the lack of affiliation between pathogenic and genotypic characteristics of the species,
               members of the genus Aeromonas is hard to characterize as pathogenic or genotypic bacteria. They can
               be  found  in  various  aquatic  environments  (groundwater,  surface  water,  estuary  water  and  marina,
               drinking water, waste water ...) and in food. Because of their constant presence in water they can cause
               various diseases of fish, that can also effect a man through a food chain. To prove their presence in
               water, we examined the water of the Danube twice, where the water drains from sewer water supply
               Banovci-Danube. The first time we tested a sample of water before discharging out of a collector, the
               second time a water sample was taken after discharging out of collectors. In testing of water samples
               there  were  carried  out  three  types  of  tests:  microbiological  testing  of  water,  physical  and  chemical
               testing of water and testing of metals from water. Tests were conducted 11/12/2014. at 12:00. Tests
               were  carried  out  on  the  basis  of  the  methods  used  by  “JKP  VODOVOD  I  KANALIZACIJA  jp-STARA
               PAZOVA”.    Based on  the  test  results,  it  has  been  proven  that  in  both  samples  are  1100  cfu  / 100ml
               coliform bacteria before pouring waste water from the collector to the Danube and 1000 cfu / 100ml
               coliform bacteria after pouring waste water out of collector in to the Danube.

               Keywords: Aeromonas, pathogenic bacteria, collector, coliform bacteria
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