Page 58 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 58


                                  THE EFFECT OF ROYAL JELLY ON HUMAN ORGANISM

               Autor: NATAŠA OBRADOVID,     Mentor: Dr. SVETLANA DINID


               Cilj ovog naučno-istraživačkog rada je, da pružim dokaze o blagotvornom dejstvu matičnog mleča na svaki
               organizam, a naročito na organizam sa oštedenim funkcijama i bolesnim stanjima.

               Ujedno mi je bila namera, da promovišem ovaj predivni pčelinji proizvod, jer smatram da je neosnovano u
               senci  ostalih  pčelinjih  proizvoda,  kao  npr.  meda.  Analizirajudi  i  upoređujudi  rezultate  pacijenata  pre
               upotrebe i posle upotrebe matičnog mleča, spoznala sam da matični mleč ima širok spektar delovanja, jer
               su ga koristili pacijenti sa različitim dijagnozama i u svim slučajevima je došlo do poboljšanja.

               U  ovom  mom  malom  istraživačkom  radu  naravno,  nisam  došla  nidokakvog  spektakularnog  otkrida.  Na
               osnovu dobijenih rezultata samo sam se pridružila velikom broju poznatih lekara, farmaceuta, i drugih
               stručnjaka  čije  je  mišljenje  o  uticaju  matičnog  mleča  na  ljudski  organizam  samo  pozitivno.  Iz  ličnog
               iskustva, odnosno kao stalni korisnik ove predivne supstance, od srca ga preporučujem svima, i zdravima i
               bolesnima, i starima i mladima!

               Moj savet je, probajte život sa matičnim mlečom i osetidete razliku.


               The  aim  of  this  scientific-research  work,  is  to  obtain  the  proof  of  the  effect  of    royal  jelly  on  each
               organism,  particulary  on  the  organisms  with  malfunction.  At  the  same  time  my  intention  was  to
               promote  this  incredible  honey  -product,  having  in  mind,  it's  been  put  aside,  by  the  other  honey
               products like, for example, honey itselt.

               Analysing and comparing results of the patients before and after the use of the royal jelly, I discovered
               that the royal jelly has a broad spectrum of effect,having in mind that it's been used by the patients with
               different diagnosis, and in maly cases there's been an improvement.

               In this particular piece of scientific work of mine howewer there is no spectacular result. According to
               the resuts of the renowned and established doctors, pharmacists and other exprests whose opinion on
               the effects of the royal jelly is strictly positive, I rejoined my modest piece of work.

               Judging  by  my  own  experience,  and  experience  of  the  many  other  consumers  of  this  marvellous
               product, I most sincearly recommed it to everyone - healthy and sick, young and old.

               My advice - combine your own diet with this incredible royal jelly and feel the difference, Yon won't
               regret it, I promise!
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