Page 67 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 67


               Autor: Aleksandar Vukadinovic, Mentor: dr Biljana Kukavica, dipl.biol.Tijana Cvetid


               Auksini  su  hormoni  povezani  sa  procesom  rasta  biljnih  delija  (izduživanje,  deoba).  Najvažniji

               hormon  iz  grupe  auksina  je  indol-3-sirdetna  kiselina  (IAA).U  radu  je  ispitivan  uticaj  različitih

               koncentracija IAA na rast graška (Pisum sativum L.). Biljke su rasle u hidroponičnoj kulturi 14
               dana. Merena je dužina stabla, broj grančica, broj listova dužina glavnog korena i broj bočnih

               korenova.  Dobijeni  rezultati  ukazuju    na  to  da  je  efekat  IAA  izraženiji  na  rast  korena  nego

               nadzemnog  dela  biljke.  Tretman  sa  IAA  (2  mg/ml)  indukuje  izduživanje  delija  i  u  tretiranim

               delijama je detektovan vedi sadržaj lignina u odnosu na kontrolne.

               Ključne reči: auksini, IAA, grašak, rast, koren, lignin.


               Auxin is a general name for a group of phytohormones that are involved with growth responses
               (cells elongation and division). The most important auxin found in plants is indole-3-acetic acid

               (IAA).  In  this  work  the  effect  of  different  IAA  concentrations  on  the  growth  of  pea  (Pisum
               sativum L.) plant was studied. Plants were grown in hydroponic culture for 14 days Results show

               that the effects of IAA on root elongation and number of lateral roots were more pronounced then

               on stem elongation and number of leaves. Treatment with IAA (2 mg/ml) caused cell elongation
               and lignin accumulation in pea root.

               Keywords: auxin, IAA, pea root, growth, lignin
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